
Friday, December 11, 2009

Kabwe DC urges more effort in environmental pollution prevention

Kabwe DC urges more effort in environmental pollution prevention
By Sututu Katundu in Kabwe
Fri 11 Dec. 2009, 04:00 CAT

KABWE District commissioner Jonathan Kapungwe has observed that laws and regulations alone are not sufficient in preventing and controlling environmental pollution.

Speaking during the official opening of an environmental awareness workshop for media institutions in Kabwe, Kapungwe said everyone should be mindful of their activities and assess how they impact and contribute to environmental degradation.

Kapungwe said Zambia was slowly waking up to the fact that issues of environment need to receive greater priority in decision making in order for the country to achieve sustainable development.

“You will agree with me that environmental issues such as the conference of parties (COP) 15 on climate change which is currently taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark has generated world interest in climate change. However, we need to domesticate these international concerns and provide information to the citizens of Zambia not only on climate change but also, other environmental issues,” said Kapungwe.

And speaking earlier, Environmental Council of Zambia manager inspectorate Joseph Sakala said in order to achieve its goal to provide a clean and healthy environment, ECZ recognises that improved environmental management in the country, demands increased collaboration by all stakeholders.

Sakala said it was necessary to ensure that command and control approaches to environmental compliance were augmented by co-operative efforts between the ECZ and its stakeholders.

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