
Sunday, December 06, 2009

KK bemoans lack of vocational skills among youths

KK bemoans lack of vocational skills among youths
By Sydney Mungala
Sun 06 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

Dr Kenneth Kaunda has said lack of vocational skills among the youth posses a security risk to the nation. Speaking during the 3rd Cavendish University Graduation ceremony in Lusaka on Friday, Dr Kaunda said it was unfortunate that the youth could not access education and health services.

“We have thousands of orphans who roam the streets of our major cities without a modicum of hope. They have no access to health or education facilities, they grow up without vocational skills. This is a most unfortunate situation. It poses various social and security implications to the nation,” said Dr Kaunda who is the Chancellor of the university.

Dr Kaunda advised youths to embrace prevention as the surest way of avoiding HIV/AIDS infection.

“I would like to advise our youth to be mindful in their lives about HIV/AIDS. I would like to remind our youth that prevention of infection is the only way they will stay AIDS free,” Dr Kaunda said.

And President Rupiah Banda challenged local universities not to be just ivory towers divorced from reality.

“Let locally generated research provide solutions to the main vexing problems that our country is facing. Our institutions of learning should not just remain ivory towers divorced from the realities of life in society,” President Banda said.

He urged universities to champion locally generated research.

“The challenge I have for all our universities is to take research as a priority on their agenda. Let locally created generated research be promoted,” President Banda said.

He advised universities to adhere to high standards to ensure that students get value for their money.

“It must be noted that all education providers must adhere to regulations to ensure that we do not allow haphazard establishment of institutions, especially universities with poor standards. It must also be noted that students should have value for their money,” said President Banda.

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