
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Leaders present united front after end-of-year meeting

Leaders present united front after end-of-year meeting
by Chengetai Zvauya
23/12/2009 00:00:00

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe and ruling coalition partners Morgan Tsvangirai and Arthur Mutambara held a collegial end-of-year press conference Wednesday, but announced no resolution of issues that have undermined their partnership.

Earlier this week, aides announced that agreements on commissions to oversee human rights, the media and elections had been reached during a meeting of Mugabe and rival Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) leaders -- Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara. That had raised hopes of further progress Wednesday.

The three joked and laughed at a news conference following their meeting Wednesday, in sharp contrast to their years of sometimes deadly rivalry.

The improvement in atmosphere is encouraging, but remaining disagreements are among the stickiest — over the appointment of provincial governors, the central bank chief and attorney general; charges from Tsvangirai's party that Mugabe supporters continue to abuse human rights; and charges from Mugabe's party that Tsvangirai's group has done too little to persuade western countries to lift sanctions on Zimbabwe, including a travel ban on Mugabe and his top loyalists.

The leaders said they were determined to clear outstanding issues before the new year. No new meeting of the top leaders was set, but they indicated their aides would be meeting.

"The three of us have agreed that we must finish the inclusive government issues quickly," Mugabe said, adding he had signed off on Monday on several ambassadorial appointments made in consultation with his coalition partners.

He said Zimbabwe's economy was improving, a sign "that the inclusive government is working."

Mugabe said that after years of antagonism, some had questioned whether the coalition partners could work together.

"Now we are drinking, talking, laughing together," he said.

Partners ... Prime Minister Tsvangirai, President Mugabe and Deputy PM Mutambara
Tsvangirai, who earlier this year became so frustrated he temporarily withdrew from the coalition, said he was optimistic the remaining problems would be resolved before the new year. He added he and Mugabe could turn to Zimbabwe's neighbours for negotiating help if they did not succeed.

South African and other regional leaders had pushed for the coalition, formed in February, following a series of inconclusive elections marred by violence blamed on Mugabe's loyalists.

Tsvangirai ended his three-week boycott of the coalition after receiving assurances that South African President Jacob Zuma would intervene.

Tsvangirai has said that Zuma's predecessor took too soft a line on Mugabe. Thabo Mbeki, now replaced by Zuma as regional point man on Zimbabwe, had argued that pushing Mugabe too hard could backfire.

In what was seen as a sign of stepped-up intervention, Zuma appointed two advisers and a special Zimbabwe envoy in November to work with politicians in Zimbabwe. But Zuma has not publicly taken a harder line on Mugabe than did Mbeki. - AP

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