
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Letters - Setting priorities right

Setting priorities right
By Gady Mwamba Museka, Mazabuka
Fri 11 Dec. 2009, 04:00 CAT

There is a need for all citizens of Zambia to improve their lives through honesty, hard work and enterprise. It's time for public leaders to show the same in this respect, instead of acquiring wealth through dishonest means.

Government leaders must always remember that majority of Zambian families fall within poverty range while a small per cent comprising some former leaders and their lieutenants who amassed wealth through various unaccounted means, who overnight became millionaires and billionaires made their money by siphoning the country’s treasury.

It does not require a genius to know that money looted from the government belongs to the people of Zambia and that is the reason we are not developing and most of the people are living in poverty.

For Zambia to ever hope for poverty-free country, a complete change of attitude must be paramount amongst the leaders. Let our leaders avoid selfishness, greed and gratuitous desire to amass wealth for themselves and their future generations.

We need to start seeing development in our towns and communities in terms of infrastructures like schools, hospitals and roads, among others. We have past 45 years after independence but we seem to be going backwards in terms of development. Angola was in the war but next month will manage to host the biggest soccer showpiece in Africa. It is really shameful for Zambia that currently we don’t even have a stadium in Lusaka to meet international standards!
I feel we can do better! Let us set our priorities right as a country!

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