
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Luapula farmers receive revised imput packs with mixed feelings

Luapula farmers receive revised imput packs with mixed feelings
By Nicholas Mwale in Milenge
Tue 22 Dec. 2009, 04:00 CAT

BENEFICIARIES of the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) in Luapula Province have expressed mixed feelings on the half pack of inputs received under the revised programme this year.

According to information obtained during the monitoring visit in various districts of Luapula Province, some farmers were happy with the half-pack while others expressed dissatisfaction with the reduced pack size.

Arnold Mpundu of Chipelembe Cooperative in Chimfula camp of Mansa said he was happy with the half pack because he considered it as an empowerment for him to boost his farming standards.

“We used to hear many reports previously that some farmers were not able finish a full pack of inputs and ended up keeping or selling half of the pack,” said Mpundu.

Bibian Chibwe of Kabuta Cooperative observed that the reduction of the pack was unfair to people who had the ability to cultivate a hector.

She further said much as inputs reached early in all the districts, it was important to ensure that they were delivered early to the camps for the purpose of early planting.

“We received inputs, especially seeds, not in good time and planted quite late,” Chibwe said. “As a result, they were attacked by mice.”

Kalaba Camp farmer in the same district, Bornface Makofi observed the need for the programme to create a mechanism where the input pack size should be determined by the individual’s capacity to cultivate.

“I think those who have the capacity to manage a hector should be given a full pack and those that can only go up to a lima or two should be given a half pack,” said Makofi. “I think that an individual’s capability should determine the pack size.”

And George Mwansa of Mulumbi camp in Milenge district explained that the programme had helped him and many others to expand their fields.

Most farmers visited in Milenge on Saturday commended the FISP input distribution modalities, which they described as transparent.

And agri-business and marketing director in the Ministry of Agriculture Green Mbozi has said there was need for members of parliament to be given right information on the modalities of the FISP for them to communicate effectively to farmers in their constituencies.

Mbozi said it was important for members of parliament to access right information about FISP modalities and be able to communicate to the electorates.

“I have seen some MPs coming to my office with wrong information and start condemning instead of finding out the truth first. When I explain to them properly, that’s when they begin to understand and appreciate,” he said.

Mbozi said it had been realised that previously, the implementation of the FISP programme lacked the intensified monitoring system.

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