
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Lusaka records reduction in cholera cases

Lusaka records reduction in cholera cases
By Margaret Mtonga
Tue 22 Dec. 2009, 14:50 CAT

File picture - a man transporting a cholera patient to a clinic
LUSAKA Province permanent secretary Stephen Bwalya has said only four cholera cases have been recorded and treated in Lusaka. Addressing the press, Bwalya said so far there was no cholera case reported in the district.

“This is a sharp contrast to the face of Lusaka in 2008. This is a major achievement for the district and a clear demonstration of the seriousness that was applied by the government and stakeholders.

The American government donated about K4.6 billion kwacha meant to work on the drainage systems and sensitization in Kanyama,” he said.
Bwalya said the K4.6 billion enabled the immediate development of resources and the subsequent donations from institutions with the real commitment of social responsibility.

“The district immediately embarked on the provision of safe water with the drilling of bore-holes. The installation of permanent taps and building of dry toilets in high risk areas,” Bwalya said.

He said by December 18, 2008 Lusaka district had recorded 205 cases of which four deaths were recorded in clinics while five were brought in dead,” Bwalya said. He said this year December 22, 2008 Lusaka district had recorded four Cholera cases that have been treated and the patients were out of danger.

“When government took into account that they had treated 4,905 patients in Lusaka as a result of Cholera in the district, government made a commitment to make every effort to improve the conditions in Lusaka in the fight to beat Cholera in Lusaka,” said Bwalya.

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