Monday, December 07, 2009

Mugabe urges for more one-stop-border-posts

Mugabe urges for more one-stop-border-posts
By Chibaula Silwamba in Chirundu
Mon 07 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

ZIMBABWEAN President Robert Mugabe has appealed to North-South Corridor member states to prioritise the establishment of more one-stop-border-posts (OSBPs) to smoothen trade.

And President Rupiah Banda said the opening of the one-stop-border-post at Chirundu will reduce the cost of doing business, improve the flow of foreign direct investment and increase growth and prosperity in the southern and eastern region. Presidents Banda and Mugabe on Saturday commissioned the first ever OSBP in Africa at Chirundu.

Addressing the gathering, President Mugabe called for more OSBPs to be set up in southern and eastern Africa in order to improve trade and economic development.

“The Chirundu one-stop-border-post is a trade facilitation project in the North-South Corridor,î said President Mugabe.

“The concept is designed to reduce congestion, transit and turnaround time, for both human and motor traffic at the border post, and overall transaction costs. The envisaged efficiencies will reduce costs by integrating functions in a way that enables clients to access a bundle of services simultaneously.”

And President Banda said he was convinced that the OSBP would reduce the cost of doing business by reducing the time people spent at the borders.
He said this would also reduce corruption and HIV and AIDS transmission.
This one-stop-border-post is the first one to be commissioned on the North-South Corridor and is expected to serve as a model for other OSBPs in the region and other parts of Africa. I am happy that this is a clear demonstration of a sense of oneness in our region,î said President Banda.

At the Chirundu OSBP, travellers and transporters from either country would be required to complete immigration and customs formalities on one side of the border only before proceeding with their journey.

Under this arrangement, the country of entry hosts officers carrying out exit procedures so that the entire exit and entry process occurs under one roof.

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