
Wednesday, December 02, 2009

(NEWZIMBABWE) Zim to have Prime Minister's Questions

Zim to have Prime Minister's Questions
by Lebo Nkatazo
02/12/2009 00:00:00

ZIMBABWE will have a British-style Prime Minister’s Question Time when Parliament reconvenes in the New Year, it was revealed on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai told Parliament on the eve of an eagerly –awaited 2010 budget speech by Finance Minister Tendai Biti that every public official must respect the supremacy of Parliament and “recognise Parliament's ability and determination to investigate them.”

He added: “I myself stand ready to be challenged or questioned by Parliament at any time. And I expect, and will direct, all of our Ministers to do the same.

“I welcome the opportunity to regularly attend Prime Minister's Question Time when this House reconvenes in the New Year.”

In Britain, the Prime Minister faces prepared questions from MPs and an impromptu quiz from opposition leaders every Wednesday in an hour-long exchange.

Tsvangirai’s speech to unveil the Government Work Programme for 2010 was sparsely covered by state television, with a passing reference to it on the main news bulletin later Tuesday.

The Prime Minister’s aides will be anxious to see if Prime Minister’s Questions – covered in Britain by the two main news channels and the dedicated BBC Parliament channel – will get airtime.

Zimbabwe only has one state-run TV channel which is loyal to President Robert Mugabe who formed a coalition with former rivals Tsvangirai and Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara in February.

Tsvangirai’s MDC party has cited sometimes hostile coverage of its activities from the state media as one of the issues threatening the coalition.

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