
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

(NYASATIMES) Veep gets poor farmers tractor

Veep gets poor farmers tractor
By Nyasa Times
Published: December 14, 2009

Vice-President Joyce Banda is alleged to have seized a tractor belonging to Blantyre Agriculture Development Division (ADD) which is meant for the poor within the division and placed it at her personal farm.

Secretary for Agriculture Andrew Daudi is reportedly failing to repossess the tractor from the second most powerful Malawian for fear of reprisals despite his juniors informing him of the situation.

“There used to be three tractors at the Blantyre ADD but the two broke down and we only remained with one. The tractors are lent out to smallholder farmers for small fee. Now the rains have started and we are just sending back the poor farmers,” a highly placed source in Blantyre ADD said.

Vice-President got the tractor two months ago and has paid nothing for the farming machine which normally generates government revenue over time during the rain season. “We understand the machine is placed somewhere at a farm in Zomba,” the source said.

But when contacted on phone recently, Vice President’s press secretary, Willie Zingani said he had no knowledge over the matter. Zingani also stressed that the VP “has no farm in Zomba”.

In a spirit of surprise, President Bingu wa Mutharika prior to May 19 general elections appointed Banda, then Foreign Affairs Minister as running mate. In Malawi, a running mate automatically becomes Vice-President should the presidential candidate win elections.

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