Wednesday, December 02, 2009

PF-UPND pact is people-driven, says HH

PF-UPND pact is people-driven, says HH
By George Zulu in Monze
Wed 02 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

UPND president Hakainde Hichilema has said his party's union with PF is people-driven, unstoppable and a deadly strategy to remove President Rupiah Banda's corrupt and failed MMD government.

Featuring on Face the Media programme on Monze's Sky FM radio on Sunday, Hichilema said the pact was formed on high reasoning and principles of offering the people of Zambia a government which would address and respond to the fight against corruption, promotion of good governance and equality before the law.

Hichilema said it was wrong for President Banda and Vice-President George Kunda to insinuate and hallucinate that the people of Southern Province had been sold to PF leader Michael Sata by accepting to be in the pact.

"In the last three months, we have participated in 22 by-elections and we have won 20 out of 22. Can you believe that, that is 91 per cent wining by-elections taking seats away from MMD from the Southern Province, Central in Mumbwa, in Luangwa where Rupiah Banda thinks that people there are his brothers, we took away seats from MMD and went ahead to take seats from MMD in Zambezi, Kabompo, Solwezi, Mwinilunga. North Western Province is gone to UPND and through UPND the pact is working in that province. Equally here in Southern Province where MMD claims that I have sold the people to Sata, so those people like George Kunda and Rupiah Banda should know that UPND/PF pact is on the rise and the strategy being implemented is a devastating strategy to MMD, just wait, watch and see the pace," he said.

Hichilema said there was no difference in the manner the people of Zambia were suffering whether in employment or not.

He added that farmers were mostly hit by the poor governance in the manner the Farmer Input Support Programme was being implemented, saying the system had allowed a lot of corruption.

Hichilema said the economic policies the MMD and President Banda had put in place were weak and on a dead end because they did not offer hope for rejuvenation and aspirations to the people of Zambia.

"The MMD policies are fatigued; MMD policies are tired. Too many children are out of schools, so many employable people are unemployed and out of employment," he said.

Hichilema said MMD had failed to maintain schools, health infrastructure, roads and other critical sectors of the economy which would help the country attain the millennium development goals (MDGs).

He said everything about the MMD and President Banda was wrong, especially in the manner they were presiding on the affairs of the nation.

Hichilema said the PF-UPND pact would support and go with social democracy coupled with liberal democracy which would allow for a free enterprise, freedom of the press and the right for children to go to school.

He said the UPND/PF pact would run a mixed economy but with focus on promoting private enterprises together with institutions that were of the public bond nature.

"It is so embarrassing to see what MMD and Rupiah Banda are doing to the economy of the country. We want to move away from that embarrassing corrupt system of governance. We want to do away with the current epidemic, which has hit the judiciary. We want to restructure the Electoral Commission of Zambia by promoting independence in the manner these institutions operate. We need good policies in agriculture, environment, and minerals and overall in trade both internal and external and the manner we contract foreign loans to grow our economy. There is need for discipline in the use of public funds and this is what is lacking in Rupiah Banda and George Kunda,” he said.

Hichilema said the ECZ had become toothless and was highly compromised by the MMD government, adding that President Banda had continued with his arrogant manner of appointing people from the same region to hold strategic positions in the Zambian government

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