
Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Rupiah disowns Aka

Rupiah disowns Aka
By George Chellah
Wed 02 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda disowned his political advisor Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika (right) during his visit to the Litunga's Limulunga Palace on Monday.

Well-placed sources close to President Banda yesterday revealed what President Banda said during the meeting with the Litunga on Monday.

“We think the President was a bit unfair with Aka on this matter. One would have expected that after President Banda's visit to Western Province and the Litunga in particular, he would explain all the intricacies of the Andrews Motel meeting so that the misunderstandings or differences with the establishment (BRE) could be cleared in an honest manner, particularly that the President knows the whole truth about the Andrews Motel meeting,” the source said.

“No wonder Dr Francis Chigunta (State House chief policy analyst) and Aka himself were present in that meeting. Even if we were to assume that the President did not have an input on the accusations levelled against the Litunga in that caucus, he should not have betrayed Aka in this manner by creating an impression as though he was totally unaware of the Andrews Motel meeting.

“We know for a fact that whilst at the palace or should I say during the meeting, the President pleaded for forgiveness and literally expressed ignorance about the whole issue, which is not right. The President even went as far as saying that ever since Aka did that, he has been evasive…something like he has been avoiding him. It's like the President was trying to suggest that Aka is afraid of meeting him because he knows what he has done.”

The source said during a fully packed meeting, President Banda gave a moving apology to the Barotse Royal Establishment.

“The President seriously pleaded with the establishment to a point where it was even becoming embarrassing for the people he was pleading to. They just had to come in to assure the President that his plea has been noted…he really pleaded,” the source said.

The source further said the establishment raised concerns over the conduct of Western Province permanent secretary Ikanuke Noyoo.

“We know also that the BRE complained about the PS, the young man Noyoo. To be honest with you, the report, which was given on that young man is not impressive. It's like the establishment strongly felt that Noyoo is too arrogant and disrespectful,” the source said.

But when contacted yesterday, Akashambatwa said he had not heard anything about what President Banda told the Litunga. He insisted that the Andrews Motel meeting was not convened by him.

“Certainly, it was not convened by me. The person who convened it certainly said he convened it and he openly gave opening remarks. He said he was the convenor. So it's definitely untrue that I convened it, that is absolutely untrue,” he said.

When reminded that President Banda apologised to the Litunga and told the meeting that he (Aka) had been avoiding him ever since he did that, Akashambatwa answered: “Oooh, well…no I saw him off at the airport, I saw him coming back at the airport. I am at the office… I meet him, I saw him off.”

Asked if he has ever sat with President Banda to discuss the issue of Andrews Motel caucus, Akashambatwa asked in return: “To discuss what? But you see you can't be talking about something that is not true... I did not convene the meeting, that is absolutely true and there is nobody who tells the truth will ever say that.”

When pressed further to find out if he was willing to apologise to the BRE over what transpired in the meeting and the statements, which were issued on the Litunga, Akashambatwa responded: “For convening the meeting? Ah…I think my statement is quite clear. Do you want me to send it to you again? Okay, I will email you my statement….That is all I have to say on the subject. I don't have anything to add or subtract from that subject because its absolutely true,” Aka said in reference to his initial statement on the matter.

And MMD spokesperson Mike Mulongoti, who accompanied President Banda to Western Province, was quoted in the public media disputing stories that President Banda went to apologise to the Litunga for aspersions cast on him by some MMD officials at a recent meeting held in Lusaka.

“There was no apology tendered because collectively, we have great respect for the Litunga. I know some people could be careless in what they say, but as a party, our relation with the Litunga and the people of Western Province is unflinching,” said Mulongoti.

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