
Monday, December 28, 2009

Sata to meet Chitimukulu

Sata to meet Chitimukulu
By Patson Chilemba
Mon 28 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) president Michael Sata has said he will meet Paramount chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba at a mutually convenient time and not at the behest of Bwalya Chiti.

Reacting to a letter dated December 2, 2009 from the Bemba Royal Establishment in which he was invited to the palace to iron out some outstanding issues with the establishment on December 29, Sata stated that Chitimukulu was his esteemed leader and that he respected him and other traditional leaders in the country.

“I will see my Paramount chief at a mutually convenient time. What I will decidedly not do is to see Chitimukulu at the command and behest of Mr Bwalya Chiti and the innocent Bashilubemba that he is manipulating and compromising,” Sata stated. “Our Bemba chiefs have a way of communicating with their citizens. Summoning them through the government controlled media is not one of the ways let alone an acceptable one.”

Sata stated that as a leader in the nation, he was persuaded that it was his duty to protect and defend the integrity of the traditional rulers by not drawing them into partisan politics.

“The way Bwalya Chiti, a grandson of a famous gallant fighter of colonialism, Chitimukulu number 33 is bringing the chiefs into the political fray can only impair the integrity and status of our esteemed Highnesses. My bending to Mr Chiti’s commands would be giving legitimacy to his political scams,” Sata stated. “I will not give respectability to the machinations of a representative of the MMD a moribund party steadily headed to be consigned to its rightful place - the garbage heap of history.”

Sata appealed to the chiefs to desist from being partisan as true custodians of the interests of their people whose views were diverse and divergent.

“I assure Paramount chief Chitimukulu of my allegiance and a visit at the earliest possible convenience. I have no doubt Bashilubemba will tender the much needed wise counsel to our chief who has several millions of people who look to his guidance and leadership,” stated Sata.
But according to a letter, which did not bear the senders address, purported to be from BRE secretary Alex Nkole, Sata was summoned to appear before Chitimukulu.

“We refer to the Post Newspaper appeared on 16th November 2009, as regard to the above subject matter. A meeting was held on 27th November 2009, in which senior headmen, sub chiefs, Kabilos gathered and chaired by the Paramount chief Chitimukulu at the Palace to discuss the insults uttered to the Paramount chief Chitimukulu particularly during the By-election campaign in Kasama Central,” Nkole stated. “After a lengthy discussion the house felt that in order to harmonize the situation it was unanimously resolved that Mr Sata and chief Chimbuka be invited to the palace on 29th December 2009 at 09:30 hours to discuss and substantiate the allegations reported in the Post Newspapers and other public media.”

Nkole stated that the BRE was looking forward to the meeting to resolve the misunderstanding between Sata and the paramouncy.
But Sata said the letter purportedly from the bashilubemba was forged by MMD national executive committee (NEC) member Chiti.

“Look at this letter, it has no address of the sender. The person who delivered this letter is from Goldman Insurance where Bwalya Chiti is the chief executive,” he said.

Sata charged that the letter in question was forged by Chiti who he said was using the Bemba Royal Establishment to further his interests of being appointed Republican vice-president.
“He has always wanted to be Vice-President since he is also a lawyer. He is eyeing George Kunda’s job and he is now using the royal establishment,” said Sata.

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