
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Security blocks journalists from covering Rupiah

Security blocks journalists from covering Rupiah
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Tue 29 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

JOURNALISTS were yesterday blocked by security personnel from covering President Rupiah Banda's arrival at Chipata airport from Mambwe district.

The security officers who were stationed at the junction of the Chipata/Mfuwe and Airport roads turned away all the journalists who wanted to cover the President's arrival from Mambwe district where he is currently spending his holiday. One officer said they were instructed not to allow people to go to the airport.

“You are not the only ones. I think you have seen a Zambia Daily Mail vehicle, Zanis and Honourable Reuben Chisanga's Milanzi member of parliament vehicle. They have all been turned away. So there are no people at the airport. The only people there are those from the security,” the officer said.
Sources later said there were very few people at the aiport when President Banda arrived from Mambwe.

President Banda, who is on holiday in Mfuwe, was expected to commission the new Chipata Trades Training Institute campus and flag off the tarring of the Chipata/Mfuwe road.

President Banda's press aide Dickson Jere said people were not being allowed at the airport because the visit was strictly private.
“If the trip is private why should people go there? If I have come to see my maize, how it has grown, why should people go there?” Jere asked.
And first lady Thandiwe Banda has donated assorted goods to Kakumbi and Masumba clinics in Mambwe district.

Thandiwe, who was accompanied by tourism minister Catherine Namugala, donated drugs, five bags of mealie meal, cooking oil, cases of sugar, exercise books and five mattresses to the clinics.

Thandiwe also donated K1 million to Chikoka Women's Club and Masumba HIV Support Group while Nabwalya Support Group was given K500,000.

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