
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Situation at UNZA is potentially explosive - workers unions

Situation at UNZA is potentially explosive - workers unions
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Sat 26 Dec. 2009, 04:00 CAT

THE three University of Zambia (UNZA) workers unions have stated that the current situation at the institution is potentially explosive.

In a statement signed by UNZA lecturers and researchers’ union (UNZALARU) general secretary Dr Fenson Mwape, University of Zambia and Allied Workers Union (UNZAAWU) general secretary Chrispin Munyukwa and University of Zambia Professional and Senior Staff Association (UNZAPROSSA) deputy general secretary Joseph Daka, the unions stated that time for accountability had come.

“We demand that the university council and management meet us on or before December, 28, 2009 to tell us what they may or may not have done so that our next course of action is based on informed positions.

We hope they will treat this demand with the seriousness it deserves. Every responsible person at the university should know that the current situation at the institution is potentially explosive,” they stated.

They stated that in the middle of this year, the university experienced a strike by all members of staff, which arose mainly out of the failure by the university management to liquidate outstanding contractual obligations and to facilitate meaningful collective bargaining.

They stated that this was a reflection of the collapse of the management system at the university and demanded the voluntary resignation of both the council and management.

“In numerous meetings we held with the university council in the quest to resolve the impasse, council assured us that they were consulting the relevant authorities with a view to finding a lasting solution to the challenges UNZA faced. The council, through the chairperson pleaded with us to give them up to the end of the first semester of the 2009 academic year and they produce results,” they stated.

The unions stated that in view of the assurances from council and in the best interest of students who had remained on campus for some time without any attention from staff they called off the strike.

They stated that since the strike was called off, they had constantly reminded the authorities of the need for them to meet their commitments.

“Unfortunately, both management and council have remained mute on whatever efforts they were making to address the issues before the commencement of the second semester on December, 27, 2009.

We have constantly appealed to council and management to ensure that all the contentious matters are resolved before students return to campus because we do not want to be erroneously accused of using students as ponies in our battles,” they stated.

“To crown it all, even the minister of education has continued to arrogantly ignore our numerous requests for a meeting with her so that we could, together, address the matters disturbing peace at the universities.”

They stated that at the moment two of the organisations at the university were still negotiating for improved conditions of service for 2009.

The unions stated that the management with the full backing of the council had done everything possible to delay and frustrate the collective bargaining process.

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