
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Syakalima backs Mpundu’s observations on education

Syakalima backs Mpundu’s observations on education
By Ernest Chanda
Wed 30 Dec. 2009, 04:00 CAT

SIAVONGA UPND member of parliament Douglas Syakalima has described education as the most important economic policy in the world.

Commenting on Lusaka Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu's observation that Zambia has not done well in the education sector in the last two years, Syakalima said the Bishop's observation was accurate and timely. He said nations whose leaders valued their people invested more in education because that was where every other economic policy anchored on.

"Education is a public good that if properly handled can reduce on several economic deficiencies. Developed nations have been investing huge amounts of money in education because they have realised that it is the most important economic policy in the world. When you have an educated citizenry, then you give them the power to monitor and understand events in their governance system," Syakalima said.

"It is an educated citizenry that will be able to predict the course of their national economy. They will be able to understand their rights and hold their leaders accountable. They will not be abused by any leader because they will have understood that they have employed such a particular leader in government to manage state affairs on their behalf. Besides, an educated citizenry cannot be fooled or intimidated because they will have understood their duty to their country."

Syakalima said currently, the education sector was at its knees and it needed a visionary leadership to invigorate the sector. "You see, education corresponds with the economy. If you have few educated people the economy gets affected negatively as well.

But currently, the education sector in Zambia is on its knees. And this is primarily because the MMD government has neglected education. I recall in 2001 we had some visiting parliamentarians from the United Kingdom who were disappointed with our fallen standards of education. They said Zambia had one of the best education systems in the sub-region, especially before 1991, but after that period we sank to among the lowest," he said.

He charged that it had become a deliberate ploy by the MMD government to cripple the education sector so that those in power kept the ordinary citizens in ignorance.

"Again, ignorance, poverty and disease move together; so whatever we try to do will go back to education. Now, many people would want to have an ignorant citizenry so that they can be easy to manipulate. For example, when people are ignorant any leader can go to them with sugar, chitenge material or chibuku and ask them for a vote. And because they are ignorant, they will grant that vote and continue suffering," Syakalima said.

"But an enlightened citizenry will look beyond chibuku and other things. They will look into the future and give themselves a leadership that will fulfill their plans. They will also understand the role of their government and demand what is due to them. That is why the MMD from the time they assumed power in 1991 the first sector they crippled was education.

The idea was that they could continue stealing and manipulating laws without being questioned. But even then those who were educated at the time saw what was happening and spoke out."

Recently, Archbishop Mpundu observed that the government has not performed well in providing quality education to its people. He said any leadership should be judged by the quality of education it provided to the citizens.

“Have we performed well this year? Have we performed well in the last two years? The answer is no. Look at education; every child has a right to education. Until we realise that we shall never grow out of poverty. Every child should be given quality education, at least up to Grade 12. If we are not aiming at that, not in the near future, we can as well forget, we should forget about government, Archbishop Mpundu said.

“So, it is an educated citizenry that can refuse to be manipulated by unscrupulous politicians. But hold to account their representatives in the legislature because they’re informed; they’re educated; they’ll put them politicians to task. An educated nation will not tolerate corrupt and selfish leaders; they’ll chuck them out. They’re not going to be intimidated to say, no we know what you have voted, no; they will know that their vote is secret.

They will not be manipulated into voting for someone who they don’t want to vote for. Now we look around, are we giving quality education to tomorrow’s leaders? This is the benchmark by which the performance of any leaders should be judged.”

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