
Friday, December 04, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Gono and Chinamasa vindicated

Gono and Chinamasa vindicated
Frank Chitauro - Gono and Chinamasa vindicated
Fri, 04 Dec 2009 01:36:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - Finance Minister Biti is working on the assumption that the GDP will grow by 7%. Zimbabwe is not a poor country as he suggested earlier this year. It is very rich in resources.

Why can't Biti think outside the box and introduce a Zimbabwe dollar backed by gold? Why is it that countries without a single gold mine have many gold reserves? Why is Zimbabwe borrowing fiat money when the country has tangible assets such as gold, platinum etc?

The fact that Mr Biti has publicly stated that improved performance in agriculture, mining, manufacturing and tourism is spurring the economy vindicates the effectiveness of the measures which Central Bank Governor Dr Gideon Gono, then acting Finance Minister, Patrick Chinamasa and the Zanu PF party put in place before the formation of the inclusive Government.

The elimination of high inflation in the Zimbabwean economy is due to the multi-currency measures introduced by Minister Chinamasa.

The fact that the food shops are full of food is down to the dollarisation of the economy courtesy of Chinamasa.

The fact that agriculture is turning a corner is due to the farm mechanisation efforts of Dr. Gono.

Let us learn to give credit where it is due. MDC-T cannot take credit for any of the above.

The West must remove its sanctions and Zimbabwe can only soar to even greater heights.

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