
Friday, December 04, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Gullible media perpetuating Zimbabwe's problems

Gullible media perpetuating Zimbabwe's problems
Tendai - Midzi Gullible media perpetuating Zimbabwe's problems
Thu, 03 Dec 2009 23:25:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - Thank you for covering the story on Botswana being used as a centre for illegal beaming by pirate radio stations into Zimbabwe. Many of our so-called 'progressive media' chose to ignore this story, yet it is one of the issues agreed upon by the two MDCs and Zanu PF party in the Global Political Agreement.

The MDCs agreed to push for the shutting down of these pirate radio stations in the Global Political Agreement. Why is the media reporting it as a Zanu PF issue only, when it is in black-and-white in the GPA? Is it that our media is naive, or simply too polarised to see any sense?

They should also criticise the MDC-T for not addressing this issue. That party also agreed to condemn sanctions. That is also in black-and-white, so why are they fooling the western-sponsored media, or is that media simply gullible?

I think Zimbabwean journalists need further training to dissect these crucial issues. Oftentimes we have the most unskilled people trying to report on complicated factual issues and making a mess of themselves.

Journalists should simply not create news, but report it. Some of the journalists we have leave a lot to be desired and that is one of the reasons why we find ourselves in this mess as a country.

Many of them think they have to agree with any western position or are simply queue for crumbs from funders to be credible. This is indeed a sad state of affairs.

*Tendai Midzi works as a lecturer in economics at London Metropolitan University.

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