
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Parallel govt can be seen in Czech visit

Parallel govt can be seen in Czech visit

EDITOR — Reports that five ambassadors-designate from the two MDC formations sneaked out of the country without Cabinet approval to the Czech Republic on a 10-day induction course made disturbing reading indeed.

Aren’t these the same ambassadors-designate who underwent a three-month diplomatic training course here, which has been offered to their predecessors since time immemorial?

What is it they did not learn in three months that they hope to accomplish in 10 days? Why hasn’t Europe offered previous ambassadors such ‘‘induction’’ before.

MDC-T has always been denied the existence of parallel government structures it is running within the inclusive Government, but such excursions confirm the reports.

Even though MDC-T by day pretends to work for the inclusive Government, at night it works against it.

What lessons are they being given in Europe, especially by the splintered Czech? Do they want to break Zimbabwe into two or they want to collapse the Government and create a "new" government headed by their chosen ones? This is undiplomatic behaviour.

We have seen a number of MDC-T officials travelling outside the country without Government approval, thus showing disrespect for President Mugabe. The funny thing is that if the President exercises the authority vested in him by the Constitution to discipline them, they cry foul and claim persecution.

MDC-T leaders accuse the President of not respecting the rule of law, when they themselves are practising the law of the jungle by doing whatever pleases them.

These ambassadors-designate obviously did not learn anything and have flunked the course. The Government must insist on new nominees. It’s high time MDC-T is told that it cannot do what it pleases without restraint. They should not take the President’s silence for complicity.

Foreign Affairs Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi should summon the Czech envoy and tell him in no uncertain terms that their President Vaclav Klaus has no freedom of the country called Zimbabwe.

Europe should not adopt a laissez faire approach to our internal affairs.

Campion Mereki.


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