
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Respect Unity Accord: VP Mujuru

Respect Unity Accord: VP Mujuru
Floyd Nkomo
Wed, 23 Dec 2009 01:45:00 +0000

VICE-PRESIDENT Joice Mujuru says young people should respect the Unity Accord signed by Zanu PF and former PF Zapu as it brought peace amd harmony to the country and ended years of British tactics of divide and rule.

"Zimbabwe managed to avoid ethnic divisions we find elsewhere on the continent by signing this crucial pact," she told a crowd gathered at Border Gezi Training Camp in Mt Darwin to commemorate the 22 year old pact between Zanu PF and PF Zapu.

December 22nd is National Unity Day in Zimbabwe. This is the day that a peace deal was signed between Zanu PF and PF Zapu in 1987.

"Ethnic divisions hamper development in many parts of the world and cause untold misery to people. Young people should respect the Unity Accord as it is the bedrock of our unity and progress as a nation," added the vice president.

“The unity accord is a symbol of where we came from and we should desist from tribalism and regionalism,” she said.

She said Zanu PF and PF Zapu brought liberation from the colonialists and slammed those looking down upon Zanu PF’s immense contribution to free the country from British colonial rule.

“What more do you want Zanu PF to do? After bringing about independence, the party built schools and gave the people land,” she said.

Vice President Mujuru called for vigilance saying there were some within and outside Zanu PF who were bent on selling out by reversing the gains of the liberation struggle.

“There are some among us who are selling out. We are aware of them. They come using some dubious NGOs (non-governmental organisations) to cause divisions,” she added.

Vice President Mujuru said “selling out” tendencies were also evident in Zanu PF and urged unity in the party.

She echoed President Mugabe's words recently who said young people who were educated after independence were selling out their country and its leadership to imperialists for "pieces of silver".

He was referring to thousands of young people employed by some NGOs and other organisations that were trying to denigrate the achievements of the liberation parties in Zimbabwe. They are receiving thousands of US dollars or "30 pieces of silver" to speak ill about their country and its leadership.

“Imperialists can never be friends,” said President Mugabe earlier this year adding that Britain would never be altruistic in its desire to "help Zimbabwe" as aid did not come cheap.

“Only a dead imperialist is a good one. We are Africans, our friends are those of the African community, of the African continent, of the Non-Aligned Movement, of the Third World, those we think like us, those who when they assist you will not lay down conditions,” he said.

“Leave those racists and imperialists in their own world.”

Vice president Mujuru slammed those journalists, especially those reporting for internet sites for reporting in a manner that caused ethnic divisions among Zimbabweans.

A recent opinion piece on an internet "news site" suggested that the Unity Accord was a worthless piece of paper which ensured that "ZAPU was swallowed by ZANU after the Unity Accord."

Speaking at the same occassion and in his first public address after landing the Zanu PF national chairmanship position, former ambassador to South Africa Simon Khaya Moyo described yesterday’s event as “big and special”.

“This is what we call Unity Day. Without unity there is no peace. Where there is no peace there is no development. This is a special day not only for the country but for me as I was elected national chairman of this glorious party,” he said.

Moyo said the warm reception he received from Mashonaland Central Province yesterday gave him the energy and zeal to work tirelessly for Zanu PF.

“We cannot allow our revolution to be hijacked by vana mafikizolos. The enemy is here. Let us be vigilant,” he said.

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