
Monday, December 21, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Tony Blair should go to The Hague

Tony Blair should go to The Hague
Phineas Mpofu - Opinion
Mon, 21 Dec 2009 00:05:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR — With very few natural resources of its own to exploit for its own economic growth and development, there is no doubt that, as a global force of influence, the West is in irreversible decline.

It is a decline which has happened over a long period, caused by duplicity and hypocrisy and rapacious plunder of weak and rich countries’ resources all over the world.

The magnitude of the West’s megalomania is embodied in politicians like George Bush and Tony Blair, mediocre men who overrate their power, stature and influence on the global stage.

The truth is that Tony Blair is a has-been who was swiftly sent to Coventry by his own party and country when they discovered that his image of an honest, charismatic, straight-talking guy with Christian principles was a gigantic fraud.

During his recent interviews with British and German television, we saw him for what he really is, a pathetic work and a power- hungry megalomaniac whose only interest in life is the advancement of his career and his "place in history".

He failed to become president of the European Union and now he thinks he can stay in the limelight by trying to breathe life into his dead horse of regime change in Zimbabwe!

The truth is that history will judge Tony Blair very harshly.

He will be the man that destroyed the Labour Party because he had such contempt for the voters’ minds and the rule of law.

He is now telling us that he and George Bush had already decided that their mission in Iraq was to get rid of Saddam Hussein whether he had weapons of mass destruction or not.

The lies he told to his parliament and the British people were to hoodwink them into giving him support for his illegal invasion! Is this guy for real?

If he doesn’t get a bloody nose and two teeth knocked off like Berlusconni by the father of one of the many British soldiers who died for nothing in Iraq, he should wind his neck in, or he may one day end up at The Hague he and his cohorts created when Serbians take him to task for his crimes against their country.

* Phineas Mpofu writes from Harare, Zimbabwe.

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