
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE, VOA) MDC-T buckles under pressure and calls for end to sanctions

MDC-T buckles under pressure and calls for end to sanctions
Mutsawashe Makuvise/VOA
Tue, 22 Dec 2009 21:21:00 +0000

THE inclusive Government of Zimbabwe is lobbying the European Union, the United States and multilateral financial institutions to lift restrictions imposed on 40 companies, including key state-controlled enterprises, with full support from the MDC-T party.

The move puts to rest arguments by the MDC parties that there were no sanctions against Zimbabwe; but only "restrictive measures". MDC-T has also bowed down to pressure from Zanu PF to call for the lifting of sanctions which they campaigned for vigorously when they were still in opposition.

President Robert Mugabe's Zanu PF party has insisted the former opposition party must campaign for sanctions to be lifted, though the MDC-T had maintained it was not responsible for the sanctions.

Reports say the principals have agreed to break the sanctions into three parts, approaching the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund first. The governing parties have asked the World Bank and IMF to restore Zimbabwe’s voting rights. Government sources expressed optimism that the voting rights could be restored in early 2010.

The second category refers to sanctions affecting state-controlled companies and firms like Zimbabwe Defense Industries, the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation, ZimBank and the Zimbabwe Iron and Steel Company or ZISCO.

The third category includes travel and financial sanctions on President Robert Mugabe and other top Zanu PF officials and supporters.

Despite the reports from the capital Harare, MDC-T spokesman Nelson Chamisa said that the party's official position has not changed – that is, that the MDC-T does not accept responsibility for the imposition or the lifting of the sanctions.

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