
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zanu PF to audit party structures

Zanu PF to audit party structures
Wed, 16 Dec 2009 01:40:00 +0000

ZANU-PF will soon embark on a comprehensive audit of its structures from the cell to national level as part of preparations for the next elections. The audit will include the filling of vacancies left by members who were elevated to higher posts.

The resolution was agreed upon in a closed-door meeting at the just-ended Fifth National People’s Congress in Harare. In an interview after the congress, Dickson Mafios who tabled the report on the state of the party said they were ready to rejuvenate the party.

"We are geared to do a verification process of all our members from the cell to national level.

"We want to make sure that all members are in possession of membership cards and that their names appear on the voters’ roll," he said.

"The party also resolved to co-opt some members to fill vacancies that were left open by people who were elevated to various levels of the party.

All provinces are required to submit this information, which will be captured and kept in the computer so that we will know our membership base."

Mafios who is also the provincial chairman for Mashonaland Central said the party noted with concern the money charged for membership and resolved to engage the party’s finance department to reduce membership fees. — HR.

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