
Monday, December 28, 2009

ZAWA opposes Nsefu’s allocation of land to investor

ZAWA opposes Nsefu’s allocation of land to investor
By Ernest Chanda
Mon 28 Dec. 2009, 04:00 CAT

THE Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) in Eastern Province has opposed a move by senior chief Nsefu of Mambwe district to give about 14 hectares of land in the South Luangwa National Park to an investor who wants to build a lodge in the Lupande Hunting Block.

According to a letter sent to ZAWA head office in Lusaka by Eastern Province regional manager Mathew Mushimbalume and dated November 13, 2009, the Authority objects on grounds that the area is too big to be given to any investor.

ZAWA Eastern Province contends that if such a huge chunk of land was given to an investor, there would be no room for wildlife in the hunting block.

"I hereby request your good office not to issue a consent letter or date stamp for land title deeds to a company called Rahoo Enterprise based in Mambwe district, which is constructing Zikomo Lodge in Nsefu chiefdom in Upper Lupande Hunting Block. The reason being that the size of the area the director of the company is claiming to have been allocated for the lodge construction by HRH His Royal Highness senior chief Nsefu (14.77 hectares instead of 5 hectares known by stakeholders in Mambwe district) is quite big," the letter stated.

"Moreover, it is located in a prime hunting area. Our concern is that if the company gets land title deeds, it would mean the hunting block being reduced, thus affecting the hunting operations.”

Mushimbalume stated that currently, the river frontage where hunting is conducted is congested with fishing camps and a few tourism facilities.

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