
Saturday, January 23, 2010

(ALLAFRICA) MDC Ministers Face EU Sanctions Over Corruption

COMMENT - Heehee, now the MDC are putting their own party members on travel sanctions lists. Is this a pattern?

MDC Ministers Face EU Sanctions Over Corruption
Faith Zaba
21 January 2010

IN a new twist to the corruption saga in the MDC-T, the party is engaged in an attempt to foil a move to have two of its ministers put on the European Union sanctions list for allegedly conniving with their Zanu PF counterparts in corrupt activities.

Last week the Zimbabwe Independent broke a story in which three MDC-T ministers -- Energy and Power Development minister Elias Mudzuri, Home Affairs co-minister Giles Mutsekwa and deputy Mines minister Murisi Zwizwai -- were named as having been under investigation by a party committee for corrupt activities.

The party's information department has since strongly denied any involvement by it ministers in corrupt activities.

Although it denies there is any such committee set up to expressly investigate the three as originally reported, it has emerged that there has been a campaign from within the party to have at least two of them -- Mudzuri and Zwizwai -- put on the EU sanctions list which contains President Mugabe and about 200 other top Zanu PF officials seen as benefiting from the collapse of the Zimbabwean economy through, among other ills, corruption.

As the party prepares for its 2011 congress, insiders in the MDC-T say infighting has given rise to the allegations. An MDC committee is currently investigating corruption at the local government level and other officials are investigating the British branch.

Zwizwai confirmed that there were attempts to place him, together with Mudzuri, on the sanctions list, describing them as "a Nicodimous diplomatic offensive" by some fellow MDC-T members.

"There has been a Nicodimous diplomatic offensive by some nocturnal characters seeking to place myself, Elias Mudzuri and hence the party under European Union sanctions," Zwizwai said.

"I have a strong feeling that (the) Nicodimous is not from Zanu PF because Europe will not give an ear to that party. I am confident that MDC will unmask (the) Nicodimous sooner than later for the good of the public and the party," he said in a signed statement in response to questions put forward by the Zimbabwe Independent.

Some Western embassies and EU legislators confirmed that senior MDC-T members had approached them urging the placement of the two on the sanctions list. Sources said the Americans were independently investigating the infighting in MDC-T and also the allegations of corruption.

Meanwhile, the MDC-T is preparing a response to be presented at the African Caribbean Pacific/European Union joint parliamentary assembly in Brussels denouncing claims that Zwizwai was conniving with his boss, Obert Mpofu, in corrupt activities, emanating from the way Mbada Diamonds was allowed to mine Chiadzwa diamonds without going to tender.

The issue was first raised at a ACP/EU parliamentary sitting in Luanda held at the end of November last year by two legislators, one each from the Netherlands and Germany, who said they were concerned about Zwizwai's alleged involvement in corruption in the Chiadzwa diamonds.

MDC-T Matobo Senator Sithembile Mlotshwa confirmed in a telephone interview from Matobo that the issue was going to be discussed at a meeting in Brussels between January 25 and 29 but said she was not aware of any intentions to put Zwizwai on the sanctions list.

"Yes I am going to make a presentation on the issue relating to the deputy minister and I am waiting for the response which is being prepared in Harare. The issue raised in Luanda was on the Marange diamonds and they wanted to know about the human rights abuses and they also wanted to know the involvement of the deputy minister in corruption in Marange," she said.

Mlotshwa said the two MPs from the Netherlands and Germany were worried that MDC members were already engaging in corrupt activities at such an early stage in government.

"The allegations were that the deputy minister was involved in corruption and we are going to present something saying the contrary and that we have proven that he is not involved in any corruption in Marange. The MDC is going to respond to the issue so that they know that there are no elements of corruption in our party," she said.

Last week MDC-T spokesperson Nelson Chamisa said Mudzuri, Mutsekwa and Zwizwai were not being investigated by the party for any corrupt activities.

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