
Saturday, January 09, 2010

Govt to establish livestock disease-free zones

Govt to establish livestock disease-free zones
By Kabanda Chulu
Fri 08 Jan. 2010, 04:00 CAT

GOVERNMENT will this year establish disease free zones in three provinces in order to control major livestock diseases and improve livestock productivity with enhanced provision of infrastructure.

It is expected that within the zone and its borders, appropriate official veterinary control would be effectively applied for animals and animal products and their transportation.

And the livestock disease free zones (DFZ) would be based on the International Organisation of Epizootics (OIE) objectives whose definition of a zone is an area in which the absence of the disease under consideration has been demonstrated by the requirements specified in the code for free status being met.

According to the expression of interest to undertake feasibility studies for the establishment of DFZs issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, government has identified Central and parts of Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces as a preferred area to set up the initial livestock disease free zone.

“The ministry in line with the FNDP, Vision 2030 and the MDGs has decided to establish a disease free zone in order top control major livestock diseases, improved livestock productivity and provision of infrastructure hence the need to conduct a feasibility study in the identified areas for the purpose of creation of DFZs,” it stated.

Some of the specific objectives of the feasibility study are to recommend the acceptable mode of demarcating the disease free zone and carry out environmental and socio impact assessments.

Other specific tasks include identifying the possible and existing infrastructure required for creating a DFZ such as quarantine facilities, camp houses and location, dip tanks, crush pens, abattoirs, slaughter slabs, processing plants and market centres.

The rest would be to indicate the livestock farmers and their numbers including game fish and livestock grazing land available and its carrying capacity and the general land use.

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