
Thursday, January 07, 2010

(HERALD) Private colleges milking us

Private colleges milking us

EDITOR — As a parent, I am very concerned about the upsurge of the number of private education institutions across the country, some of which have been advertising through your widely-read paper.

I must make it clear that I do not have anything against private colleges, given the battering the public education system has taken over the years, but there are a number of genuine questions on the quality of education on offer.

On the back of robust advertising and lofty promises these institutions make, there should be some kind of accountability on the part of these colleges.

I am aware of one college in Marondera that makes so much media hype, but the situation on the ground tells a very different story.

The education is sub-standard — and hence poor passes — and the place is so small to accommodate all students, and the food leaves a lot to be desired.

On the other hand, the college brags of excellent service despite the glaring shortcomings.

This brings a lot of discomfort to us parents, especially as these colleges are literally promising heaven on earth to their clients.

The Government must step in to monitor the situation at the colleges to stop parents from being defrauded by unscrupulous "educationists".

For what we have seen, nothing has been done to stop the scourge.

Concerned Parent.

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