
Monday, January 18, 2010

I don’t want to be judged by the laws of this land – Chiluba

I don’t want to be judged by the laws of this land – Chiluba
By Chibaula Silwamba
Mon 18 Jan. 2010, 04:01 CAT

I am an ambassador of Christ and do not want to be judged by the laws of this land, former president Frederick Chiluba has said.

In his sermon at Impact for Christ Ministries church of a Zambian preacher based in South Africa Prophet Philip Banda in Johannesburg, South Africa recently, Chiluba said God had done so many miracles for him.

“I am an ambassador of Christ. I don’t want to be judged by the laws of this land; it doesn’t mean I am going to break the law. No! To the contrary, Jesus didn't come to break the law. No! But the prophets should take pride of the power of Jesus Christ because around Him every law evolves. He is the Christ, the anointed one of God. I love Him so much. I can't tell you how many miracles I have enjoyed,” Chiluba said. “It's such a joy. We thank the Lord that wherever we have been, whatever we have done it's by His grace. We have found the life to be here. It's all because of Him.”

Chiluba said he had always told his security men that as much as he appreciated the security they provided him, his true security was in Jesus Christ.

“I don't say this with laughter or spite, I said it with tremendous sense of fear. I heard that the Italian Prime Minister was roughed up and injured at a public meeting in Milan in Italy and the Prime Minister like all Prime Ministers and Presidents carried with them security men. That is why I keep saying, assassinated US President John Kennedy was wearing a bullet-proof vest with a lot of security men around him. That is why I keep saying, 'thank you for security but true security comes from above',” Chiluba said. “Tell me, what would you do if you die in sleep? How will security wake you up? So we thank God, we thank Him; He is our shield ... He is our high tower and fortress, the only one. I shall say the Lord is my refuge and fortress, my body in Him I trust. Hallelujah!”

Chiluba eulogised Prophet Banda.
As Chiluba spoke, his wife Regina who was standing by his side, wiped his face with a chitenge.
And prophet Banda said Chiluba's words were words of wisdom.

“Those are words of wisdom and real counsel to our politicians all over the world. If only you can pay attention and apply them, this will be a better world to live in. He is talking from experience. He is not talking from theory. Everyone here now knows this, 'fear not',” said prophet Banda before calling on Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) parliamentarian Gerard Nkulu Mwenze to say something about Chiluba's preaching.

Mwenze thanked Chiluba for the counsel he provided to the politicians.
Thereafter, Mwenze started singing and Chiluba joined in.

Chiluba later prayed for Mwenze to win elections and for peace in DRC.
Chiluba was in August last year acquitted of theft charges involving about US $500,000.

Soon after Chiluba's acquittal, prophet Banda travelled to Zambia and had a meeting with the former president at his Lusaka residence.

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