
Saturday, January 02, 2010

Kunda urges church to take lead in peace building

Kunda urges church to take lead in peace building
By Sututu Katundu
Sat 02 Jan. 2010, 04:01 CAT

VICE-President George Kunda has urged the Church to take a lead in peace building and reconciling people so that the nation continues to enjoy peace and stability.

Officiating at the fundraising food carnival dinner organised by the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka yesterday, Vice-President Kunda said there was need for more peacemakers in the country. He added that if each citizen embraced virtues of forgiveness, they would promote harmony in society.

“There has been tremendous development in the partnership between the Church and the government. As a government, we value this relationship because we believe that the church is a major stakeholder and partner in the development of Zambia, in the shaping of Zambia and in the shaping of the future of Zambia,” Vice-President Kunda said.

He said the Church at inter-denominational level was indeed a partner in development as it is involved in poverty reduction programmes throughout the country such as schools, training institutions and health centres.
Vice-President Kunda further said the year 2009 had been eventful with the election of president Rupiah Banda in October 2008.

And UCZ Lusaka Presbytery Bishop Lackson Chibuye said the funds raised would be channeled to develop a 200-hectare piece of land on the Kafue banks into a multipurpose centre which would cater for inter-denominational church activities, including a skills centre for the vulnerable children and orphans and a conference centre.

“All these are our dreams which we are trying to translate into reality. This particular project we believe is one such venture of supplementing or complimenting government efforts in its endeavour to develop Zambia,” said Bishop Chibuye.

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