
Monday, January 04, 2010

Lamba chiefs reject Banda’s ‘baby blankets’

Lamba chiefs reject Banda’s ‘baby blankets’
By Staff Reporters
Mon 04 Jan. 2010, 04:01 CAT

SOME Lamba chiefs on the Copperbelt Province have rejected the ‘baby blankets’ that were given to them as gifts by President Rupiah Banda when he recently met the traditional leaders in Luanshya.

Well-placed sources at the provincial administration in Ndola yesterday revealed that the traditional leaders refused to take the blankets, which are now marooned at the provincial administration office.

“What happened was very embarrassing for the government and the President in particular. You know, when the President came to the Copperbelt where he even held a closed-door meeting with traditional leaders from the province at Luanshya’s Director’s Lodge, there was a ka token or should I say something prepared for the chiefs as well,” the source said.

“To be specific the chiefs were given about K5 million each to take. The President and his delegation also came with blankets to give the chiefs. But the most embarrassing part of this whole saga is with the blankets. I don’t know whether the people who were purchasing these blankets didn’t know or it was just deliberate because we were shocked to see the bundle of blankets that had already been dispatched to the chiefs returned. When we inquired we discovered that the chiefs had rejected the blankets on account that they were small and somehow inferior or simply not benefiting their status.

“The chiefs also felt lowered by the gift blankets because they didn’t expect to receive such a gift from the boss. For sure the blankets were small and inferior to be given to chiefs. It’s those blankets that are generally referred to as ‘baby blankets’ and are usually sold for K16,000 at Kamwala Trading Centre in Lusaka, that type which even sticks to your hair whereby every morning when you wake up you will have a task of removing them or you won’t go anywhere because they can be quite noticeable and embarrassing. No wonder the chiefs rejected them and as we speak now the last time I checked, the blankets were just bundled in the office of the secretary to the provincial permanent secretary unless they have removed them.”

The source said the incident had embarrassed the provincial administration.
“You and I are Africans my brother hence we know how revered traditional leadership is in our society. We also know that chiefs are quite sensitive to such matters.

That’s why some of the staff at the provincial administration complained that the government was just being disrespectful to the chiefs,” the source said.

“I am told even the chiefs really felt demeaned that they could be considered for such a cheap gift. I am also told some of them chiefs were even suggesting that we government might as well go and dump those blankets at the nearest hospital or even a prison for prisoners to be using them.”

The source said there were manoeuvres to correct the situation.

“Since this saga was quite embarrassing, the bosses want it to be kept secret because they have all realised the embarrassment it will cause when it comes out. That’s why they panicked and there was talk that there should be a replacement of those blankets,” the source said.

When contacted for comment, Copperbelt Province minister Mwansa Mbulakulima could neither deny nor confirm.

“Which…who donated them blankets? But how does it come to me I’m in my constituency apparently? You have got your information somewhere else…so who has donated what?” Mbulakulima asked.

After a reminder that he was being asked in his capacity as provincial minister, Mbulakulima responded: “Provincial minister, how do I explain that? I’m…I’m not seeing a connection. I don’t see the connection. Eeee… I don’t know if… I am sure you are aware that I didn’t attend the meeting so how do I know what transpired there?”

When told that he was not being asked about what transpired during President Banda’s meeting with the chiefs but about the donated blankets, Mbulakulima answered: “…Immediately after that meeting I am still in the constituency.”

Last month, President Banda met chiefs from Lambaland, among them chief Kalukumya, senior chief Ndubeni, senior chief Mushili, chieftainess Lesa, chieftainess Malembeka and chief Lumpuma.

Others were chieftainess Shimukunami, chief Fungulwe, chief Machiya, chief Shibuchinga, chief Mukutuma, chief Nkana and chief Nkambo.

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