
Monday, January 11, 2010

Musenge’s arrest angers scores

Musenge’s arrest angers scores
By Mwila Chansa and Zumani Katasefa
Mon 11 Jan. 2010, 04:01 CAT

NKANA Patriotic Front (PF) member of parliament Mwenya Musenge was yesterday taken to Kamfinsa Remand Prison following his arrest on Saturday. And Kantanshi PF member of parliament Yamfwa Mukanga has said the arrest of Musenge in connection with the riot at Chisokone market is politically motivated.

Musenge was initially detained at Kitwe East Police Station on Saturday but was yesterday taken to Kamfinsa prison.

He was formally arrested by police and charged with causing damage to a building and property during riotous behaviour contrary to section 82 of the Penal Code Cap 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

Musenge was questioned on the riot that took place at Chisokone market on Thursday from 14:30 hours to 17:00 hours at Kitwe Central Police Station.

Musenge’s lawyer, Derrick Mulenga from Derrick Mulenga and Company disclosed that police said they were waiting for “further instructions from above” before they could grant Musenge bond.

There was tension outside the Kitwe Central police station as Musenge was being questioned.

Scores of PF cadres mostly from Chisokone market gathered outside the police station awaiting the outcome of the matter.

PF national youth secretary Eric Chanda clad in party attire with a poster that read “Abash MMD intimidation, arrest ZANAMA murderer, release ZATMA detainees, leave PF members alone” was forcibly thrown out of the police station by police officers, who accused him of misconduct.

The officers led by the officer-in-charge only identified as Hachuunde forced Chanda out.

At this point, Hachuunde wanted to chase all the people sitting on the lawn outside the police station but he restrained himself after noticing that he was being captured on camera by MUVI television.

PF women’s league Kitwe District treasurer Godfrida Chulu said ZANAMA was like another president.
Chulu said the ramshackles within Chisokone market were as a result of ZANAMA’s lawlessness.

Police then took Musenge out of Kitwe Central Police Station using the back door in an effort to evade the cadres who waited outside.

However, word went round that Musenge had been taken to Kitwe East Police Station and the cadres organised themselves and soon after, there was a convoy leading to Musenge’s detention centre.

The women were heard scheming that marketeers at Chisokone would boycott trading today to press for Musenge’s release.

At Kitwe East Police Station, police in riot gear barricaded the entrance to the station as they kept vigil.

Among the people present at Kitwe East Police Station were Chipili member of parliament Davies Mwila, Mukanga, PF member of the central committee Timothy Walamba, Kitwe deputy mayor Chileshe Bweupe and Bupe ward councillor Elias Kamanga

And Mukanga said the PF were prepared to resolve the matter in any way that the government wanted it resolved.

Mukanga said police should have arrested the Zambia National Marketeers Association (ZANAMA) security neighbourhood officers who allegedly beat Charles Kalenga who later died instead of arresting Musenge.

Mukanga said Musenge went to Chisokone market to stop the protesters from taking the coffin round the trading place.

Nchanga member of parliament Wybur Simuusa described the arrest of Musenge as ridiculous.

Simuusa said police should have arrested the entire ZANAMA leadership for operating illegal cells at a market where they had been allegedly torturing and beating people.

“When there was a protest at CBU Copperbelt University government accused PF of being behind that, when KCM workers protested it was again PF that was accused of inciting miners to protest. Government even ordered the arrest of those miners. They government should know that people are not happy with them,” Simuusa said.

PF spokesperson Given Lubinda charged that the decision to arrest Musenge was not made by police in Kitwe but by President Rupiah Banda and Vice-President George Kunda.
Lubinda in a telephone interview said Musenge’s arrest was a political decision made by politicians in Lusaka.
“We find this the denying of police bond to be extremely unacceptable behaviour by police. If Musenge caused the fracas at Chisokone market, he is an MP of fixed abode, he can’t run away if he is given bond,” Lubinda said. “Police’s behaviour is demeaning to MPs’ office and it only goes to show that the police have no respect for that office. The same thing happened to Mumbi Phiri Munali member of parliament and Jean Kapata Mandevu member of parliament who were detained on a frivolous issue.

“Police in denying bond to Musenge are suggesting to the public that he committed a non-bailable offence or that he can skip bond and run away to Congo if he is given bond. That is insulting to the office of MP.”

Lubinda warned that if there were elements in MMD orchestrating the kind of treatment being given to Musenge, they would only have themselves to blame for the loss of respect to the office of member of parliament.

Lubinda wondered why police had not arrested the people that were running an illegal cell but were quick to arrest a parliamentarian who only wanted to restore order at the market.

Meanwhile, ZANAMA chairman general Elvis Nkandu said those who protested against the alleged beating and consequent death of Kalenga were not marketeers but hired thugs.

He said ZANAMA security officials never caused the death of Kalenga, claiming the deceased was never beaten.

Nkandu claimed that Kalenga climbed the ceiling in an attempt to escape from the ZANAMA cells.

Some ZANAMA officials are now referring to the cells as a storage room after the protest.

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