
Saturday, January 23, 2010

(NEWZIMBABWE) Government proceeds with MZWP takeover

Government proceeds with MZWP takeover
23/01/2010 00:00:00

THE Government has reaffirmed its takeover of the Matebeleland Zambezi Water Project (MZWP) with water resources Minister, Samuel Sipepa Nkomo announcing that the scheme has now been renamed and consultants appointed to lead public consultations the mobilisation of funds.

Nkomo called a press conference in Bulawayo on Friday where he announced that the government is proceeding with the takeover of the project which has now been renamed the National Matebeleland Zambezi Water Project (NMZWP).

“This (renaming) was done to underscore the fact that this is a national project in Matabeleland and thus should be called as such. Even so, in the long term the project will not only benefit Matabeleland but other parts of the country as well,” Nkomo said.

The Minister said the decision to take-over the project was made back in 2004 adding the December 2009 cabinet resolution merely reaffirmed that position.

“Therefore, there is nothing new in the takeover and all that my Ministry is doing is to implement the aforementioned cabinet resolution.

“Government leadership and management of the NMZWP is a purely people oriented, apolitical stance whose rationale is to ensure a consistent supply of water to the people of Matabeleland,” Nkomo said.

He added that his Ministry has appointed Pathisa Nyathi NMZWP consultant whose brief would be to facilitate “stakeholder consultations” over the project.

“As part of his duties, Nyathi will be liaising with the business sector, civil society, churches, local authorities, residents and other stakeholders for the purpose of building a strong stakeholders network that will be involved in the implementation of the NMZWP.

“The NMZWP is a big financial and human resource project and thus requires a clearly coordinated network of individuals and institutions to steer it to its very end,” Nkomo said adding that yet another consultant had also been appointed to spear-head the mobilisation of funds for the project.

Government estimates that about US$1.1 billion will be needed to complete phases 1, 2 and 3 of the project which involve the construction of the Gwayi/Tshangani Dam, laying of a pipeline from Gwayi/Tshangani Dam to Bulawayo and the connection of the Gwayi/Tshangani Dam to the Zambezi River.

“The NMZWP is not just about water provision; it will also act as a catalyst for tourism expansion, property development and the growth of agriculture in Matabeleland.


“Over 60 000 new jobs in and around the project area will be created. Projects such as fishery, mining, manufacturing, market gardening, sugarcane production, cattle ranching and meat processing, timber production and citrus fruits farming can be engaged in by private individuals, corporate companies and other riparian states,” Nkomo said

However the announcement by Nkomo last December that the government was taking over the project sparked-off a huge row between the Minister and Matebeleland Zambezi Water Trust Chairman and opposition PF Zapu leader, Dumiso Dabengwa who said his organisation had not been consulted.

Dabengwa’s Trust is accused of failing to mobilise funds for the project but the former cabinet minister counters that his efforts have been undermined by the government.

The Trust said it had found potential funders for the project in the past, but the investors were forced to pull out after the government failed to provide the mandatory guarantees, “causing all our plans to fail”.

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