
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

(NEWZIMBABWE) Strike looms as civil service wage talks collapse

Strike looms as civil service wage talks collapse
13/01/2010 00:00:00

THE inclusive government faces the prospect of a debilitating civil service strike after negotiations over salary increments ended in a deadlock on Tuesday with unions rejecting as an insult the Harare administration's offer of US$236.

The government indicated it could afford US$236 per month for the highest paid workers who would include Permanent secretaries but the offer was given short shrift by unions representing civil servants. Most civil servants are currently paid between US$155 and US$180 and unions are demanding a minimum of between US$500 and US$600 with effect from January.

Public Service Association President, Cecilia Alexander and Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association (ZIMTA) head, Tendayi Chikowore confirmed the stand-off describing the government offer as inadequate.

"The talks didn’t go well because of what Government offered. It was a paltry increment which we felt is an insult to civil servants.

"Government offered us far below what we expected even for an ordinary citizen. It is a mockery to the civil servants who have endured poverty for a long time,” Alexander told the state-owned Herald newspaper.

Teachers, who want a minimum monthly salary of US$600, have already threatened to go on strike if their wage demands are not met while the rest of the civil service is also considering a job action if conditions of services are not reviewed in line with the country’s poverty datum line.

Figures released by the Consumer Council of Zimbabwe show that a family of six now needs about US$500 to survive each month.

Zimta President, Tendayi Chikowore said the association is now consulting its members before deciding on the next course of action.

Finance Minister Tendai Biti said on Monday civil servants salaries have already been approved by Parliament through the 2010 National Budget.

"Changing the approved budget would translate into breaking the law, which we will try by all means to avoid,” he said.

Minister Biti allocated US$600 million of the US$1.4 billion National Budget to cover the civil service salary bill for the whole year.

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