
Sunday, January 31, 2010

(NYASATIMES) Nigeria backs Malawi to head AU as CHRR criticises Gaddafi’s second term bid

Nigeria backs Malawi to head AU as CHRR criticises Gaddafi’s second term bid
By Nyasa Times
Published: January 30, 2010

Malawi’s vocal human rights group, Centre for human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) has criticized Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi “plot” to a second term of office as Africa Union (AU) against the constitutional mandate of one year only.

CHRR said in a statement made available to Nyasa Times that Gaddafi should pave way for Malawi President Dr Bingu wa Mutharika who was nominated by Southern Africa Development Community (Sadc) to take over.

“The Article 6 section 4 of the African Union (AU) Constitution clearly stipulates that the office of the chairman of the assembly shall be held for a period of one year by a head of state or government elected after consultation among member state,” said CHRR statement issued by its head, Undule Mwakasungura.

“We at CHRR would like to condemn in strongest term the intention by Libyan leader Colonel Muammar to try and create a life chairmanship at the African Union. His intentions are not only a bad precedent to constitutionalism but also manifestation of high degree on how selfish and power hungry African leaders are,” the statement said.

The rights campaigners said Africa Union is faced by a lot of challenges but choosing a replacement for the current chairperson is definitely not one of the major problems at hand.

“Africa is blessed with intelligent and wise leaders that can equally run smoothly the affairs of the AU,” said the statement. “Libya as a country and its Leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi can play a significant and equally important role in the running of AU without necessarily clinging to the chairmanship.”

CHRR pointed out that Mutharika has “all what it takes to become the chairperson of African Union.”

Meanwhile, Nigeria has joined other countries backing the candidacy of Mutharika to head the AU at the summit of the Heads of State of the continent body beginning Saturday in Addis-Ababa.

Nigeria had decided to throw its weight behind the Malawian leader, reported Saturday Vanguard newspaper of Nigeria.

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