
Sunday, January 31, 2010

(NYASATIMES) Opposition says Bingu delivered a ‘recycled’ speech

Opposition says Bingu delivered a ‘recycled’ speech
By Nyasa Times
Published: January 27, 2010

Opposition members of parliament have said the speech made by President Bingu wa Mutharika at the opening of parliament is the same “old wine in a new bottle.”

“On agriculture, there is an outcry of fertilizer subsidy which people in the villages did not receive and yet the President in his speech has painted a good picture,” said UDF leader in parliament, Ibrahim Matola.

Matola said with the looming of hunger in some parts of the country, the President could have explained to the nation of government mitigation plans for the affected areas not mere assurances.

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) chief whip, Joseph Njobvuyalema, said the State of the Nation address did not address critical issues.

“Malawians expected to hear issues of forex shortage which is hampering the business community in the country,” said Njobvuyalema.

“We wanted the President to explain the government suspension of paying fees to Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM) colleges where by students who are pursuing courses at CHAM colleges are supposed to pay astronomical fees of K300 ,000 because o f government failure to put in money,” said the MCP lawmaker.

On the call of unity that Mutharika made in his speech, both Matola and Njobvuyalema said the Head of State should “walk the talk” dismissing the call as mere rhetoric.

They also accuse President Mutharika of failing to rise above party politics by using State of the Nation address to highlight his DPP party victory in the recent by-election.

Mutharika told parliament: “I am particularly delighted with DPP’s victory in Lilongwe North West constituency. This is an indication of the continued confidence and trust the populace has in the DPP Government in Central Region.”

Speaker of Parliament Henry Chimunthu Banda said the house, will debate the State of the Nation Address for seven days and then debate four bills on electricity importation from Mozambique, the penal code, foreign exchange and the Local Government Act amendment before hearing a mid-year budget review from Finance Minister.

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