Monday, January 04, 2010

Politics of insults worry Mangani

Politics of insults worry Mangani
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Mon 04 Jan. 2010, 04:00 CAT

HOME Affairs minister Lameck Mangani has said it is unfortunate that some people have engaged in politics of insults, behaving as if they are not Zambians. Featuring on a special programme on Radio Breeze last week, Mangani, who is also Chipata Central MMD member of parliament, said politicians should respect each other.

“When it comes to politics, things are moving well but what we are not caring is that when we are doing these politics, we are looking at each other as if others are not from Zambia but are from another country because of the insulting language, it’s not the purpose of multi-party system or having more political parties.

We need to respect each other when we are doing our politics. I have already said that President Rupiah Banda came to this post because of the problem that we had. We didn’t know how our future was going to be but God has led us; everything is moving well under the leadership of President Banda,” Mangani said.

“Zambia is on number four on the African countries whose economies have moved so fast within 2009 under the leadership of President Banda. So even if people are saying this and that, for us to be number four it means a person is working, the only problem we face is that other people have engaged in insults. We can’t get government by insulting but because people trust us that we can run the affairs of the country well.”

And Mangani said there were a number of difficulties that were faced in the tarring works of Chipata town roads because most of the things did not move as expected.

“I want to say that because we didn’t want the tarring works to delay. We rushed in coming up with the bill of quantities so when the contractor came there were a lot of problems because most of the things did not go well. What I wanted was not to make the road issue a song because for so many years, we have been saying Chipata roads will be tarred since 2001. Among the problems we are facing is that the contractor is in Chipata but some of the supervisors are in Lusaka.

So when the contractor faces a small problem like changing the culverts from 600 millimetre to 900 millimeter, it takes a lot of time so we have tried to buy a vehicle to supervise this project so that such problems can end, I am hopeful that as we enter 2010, this project will move fast,” said Mangani.

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