
Monday, January 11, 2010

RSZ to relocate its headquarters to Lusaka

RSZ to relocate its headquarters to Lusaka
By Justin Katilungu in Kabwe
Mon 11 Jan. 2010, 04:01 CAT

RAILWAY Systems of Zambia chief executive officer Benjamin Even has confirmed the intended relocation of the railway company headquarters to Lusaka but could not state when the move will be undertaken.

In response to a press query, Even assured yesterday that assuming the move is undertaken, there would be no job losses as some workers claimed.

Even said; “ Thanks for your query. I don't find this relevant to answer at the moment as the information you are presenting is far from being accurate and none of these employees had come to my office or other management members with the same.

“However, I did receive some queries from employees who are looking forward to this intended action should it happen, as they are aware of the advantages related to these plans, but unfortunately I could not indicate even to them when, how, if and who will be shifted.”

Even said he had also mentioned in the said meeting that assuming the questions above were answered positively there was no fear of job losses as the company was providing procedures for such transfers.

“Management decisions are taken in the best interest of the company, the business and its employees and so will be in this case. I would also appreciate if you could advise the same employees to see management of RSZ to find good response to their queries,” said Even.

Last Friday, some workers belonging to RSZ stormed the Post Newspapers offices in Kabwe to register their displeasure about the intended relocation of the railway company to Lusaka, fearing that most of them would lose their jobs.

The workers, who spoke on condition of anonymity, felt it was unwise and unnecessary to shift the RSZ headquarters to Lusaka, as its location in Kabwe was well intended.

“Shifting RSZ to Lusaka is something that should be unheard of as such a move would bring Kabwe town into oblivion. Besides, we should understand that there is a reason why Zambia Railways situated its headquarters in Kabwe.

“Relocating the headquarters entails that some of us will lose jobs while those that would move to Lusaka would find it difficult as the town is already congested,” a worker who spoke on behalf of others said.

The workers said that Kabwe town was slowly awakening from the economic downturn it suffered during the closure of the mines in 1994 as well as the defunct Zambia China Mulungushi Textiles (ZCMT) and relocating RSZ to Lusaka would therefore worsen the situation.

The workers claimed that Even addressed workers last week on Wednesday, informing them about the impending relocation and those that would move should find means of how to get to Lusaka.

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