Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Shangombo resident fears hunger after elephants raid crops

Shangombo resident fears hunger after elephants raid crops
By Namatama Mundia
Tue 19 Jan. 2010, 04:00 CAT

A Shangombo resident is worried that there will be increased food insecurity in the area because of the destruction of crops by elephants.

One of the villagers, Moses Ilukena wondered if the villagers would harvest anything after the animals destroyed crops in people’s fields.

“We have a problem here in Shangombo. These elephants which are coming from Sioma-Ngwezi National Park have invaded our fields and destroyed our crops. We don’t know how we are going to survive,” he said. “I can foresee a situation where there will be serious hunger in most areas in the district.”

Ilukena said it was unfortunate that the Zambia Wildlife Association (ZAWA) had not done anything despite the matter being reported to them.
“We have reported to ZAWA but they haven’t done anything. They (ZAWA) only came to the area when a crocodile killed a 12-year-old boy three weeks ago but unfortunately, they didn’t find it,” he said.

Ilukena said Hippos from the Zambezi River had also destroyed crops.
“Last year we had the same problem of animals destroying our crops. They grazed in our fields and unfortunately we struggled throughout the year because the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) people have been without food up to now and the situation might be the same next year,” said Ilukena.

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