
Saturday, January 16, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) AAG congratulates new black empowerment board

AAG congratulates new black empowerment board
Nancy Pasipanodya
Sat, 16 Jan 2010 14:54:00 +0000

THE Affirmative Action Group (AAG), the vanguard of broad based black economic empowerment in Zimbabwe, congratulated the newly appointed Indigenization and Empowerment Board led by Mr. David Chapfika and comprising of many black economic empowerment icons.

President Robert Mugabe approved the appointment of the National Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Board as provided for by the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act.

The 13-member board has representatives from interest groups, indigenisation and empowerment experts and other key sectors such as women, youth, the disabled and ministries of Economic Planning and Investment Promotion, Mines and Mining Development and Industry and Commerce.

"We urge the board to immediately embark on the very imperative indigenization agenda without delay, fear or hesitation," said AAG President Supa Mandiwanzira in a statement to the Zimbabwe Guardian.

"The majority of indigenous Zimbabweans are unemployed and being denied economic space to conduct their informal trade.

"Of major concern is the crowding out of indigenous people from the retail industry by foreigners to the periphery of the economy. The much desired Foreign Direct Investment must be tapped in a manner that benefits the indigenous people.

Mandiwanzira urged the new board to "priotise implementation of indigenization in the mining sector where foreign owned mining houses have been resisting indigenization and empowerment."

He said the Board must, without any delay, cause immediate full implementation of the Indigenization and Empowerment act.

"AAG will continue to play its role in pointing out areas requiring compliance as far as the indigenization of the economy is concerned. We wish the board well in its endeavors," read the statement.

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