
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) MDC impoverished millions of Zimbabweans

MDC impoverished millions of Zimbabweans
Mon, 25 Jan 2010 10:38:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - The genie is out of the bottle after the British Foreign Secretary David Miliband's unintended diplomatic gaff. Only a fool can now dispute that there are no sanctions against Zimbabwe and that these sanctions were implemented at the behest of Morgan Tsvangirai and the two MDC formations.

Zimbabweans should now take a class action (legal action) against Tsvangirai and the MDC formations for deliberately killing, maiming and impoverishing millions of us via sanctions. Tsvangirai and MDC-T have control over these sanctions (as Miliband has stated) and should ask for their prompt removal.

This revelation by Miliband demonstrates that Tsvangirai and MDC-T have cynically used sanctions to make the economy explode so as to try and change the voting behaviour of Zimbabweans.

Chester Crocker (the former US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs) had this to say during US Senate hearings on Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act before it was put into law in 2002: “To separate the Zimbabwean people from Zanu PF, we are going to have to make their economy scream, and I hope you, senators, have the stomach for what you have to do.”

The sanctions have been used by MDC formations and their western allies to wage a psychological war against Zimbabweans.

Chester Crocker further stated that, “The second option, and I speak very candidly, is to work through all appropriate channels for a change in power in Zimbabwe.

"So if we were to decide to try and work for change in power in Zimbabwe, I would hope that we would have the wisdom to be discrete, to be low-key and to avoid giving those in power there the excuse that foreigners are out to get them.” (Chester Crocker, 106th Congress House Hearings - Zimbabwe: Democracy on the Line - Tuesday, June 13, 2000).

The US and UK and their allies have been trying to play the discrete game so that any political changes in Zimbabwe are seen to be home grown and not engineered by the West.

MDC-T and MDC-M and the NGOs were supposed to present this home grown front. The truth of the matter is the West deliberately destabilised the Zimbabwean economy in order to further its own economic interests.

The explosion of Zimbabwean economy was to be blamed on Zanu PF mismanagement and policies.

Eddie Cross, Tsvangirai, Tendai Biti and Roy Bennett were at the forefront of advocating the sanctions regime.

The question every Zimbabwean should ask himself or herself is whether anyone who advocates sanctions that kill you, maim you and impoverish you has your interests at heart?

*Tendai Nyathi writes via email.

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