
Thursday, January 21, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Some sanctions are controlled by MDC-T, says Britain

Some sanctions are controlled by MDC-T, says Britain
Philip Murombedzi
Thu, 21 Jan 2010 04:42:00 +0000

THE United Kingdom Foreign Secretary David Miliband says the lifting of illegal sanctions against Zimbabwe will be guided by a call from the Movement for Democratic Change to that effect. He added that there are a range of sanctions imposed by the EU, some of them "controlled" by the MDC-T party.

This is the first time a high level British official has tacitly acknowledged that there are SANCTIONS against Zimbabwe and not "restrictive measures" as argued by the former opposition MDC-T party of Morgan Tsvangirai.

The MDC-T for the past decade actively campaigned for illegal sanctions to be imposed against Zimbabwe.

"In respect of sanctions, (that) is something that we will discuss... We have ... to be guided by what the MDC says to us about the conditions under which it is working and leading the country," Miliband told the House of Commons in response to a question posed by Henry Bellingham, the Conservative MP for North-West Norfolk.

Miliband added that there will not be a wholesale removal of sanctions, but will be "calibrated" according to "progress on the ground" as determined by the MDC-T party.

The MDC-T has not heeded calls from Zanu PF to campaign for the lifting of sanctions as agreed in the September 2008 Global Political Agreement arguing that they did not have a hand in their imposition.

Miliband, however, revealed that some sanctions are controlled by the MDC-T party of PM Tsvangirai, but he was not in a position to inform the House which ones were controlled by that party.

The MDC-T party says there are no sanctions against Zimbabwe, but "restrictive measures" against Zanu PF officials.

"A range of EU sanctions is in place. Different sanctions have been brought in at different points, and different sanctions are the responsibility of different ministries in the Zimbabwean system.

"Some are controlled by the MDC. I would be happy to give ... a more detailed answer, but I think that it might detain the House beyond the time available for the question."

In response to a question by Kate Hoey, the Labour MP for Vauxhall and the Chair of the Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Zimbabwe regarding the latest statement by President Jacob Zuma criticising PM Tsvangirai of stalling talks, Milliband said "President Zuma is playing a careful hand".

Zuma is "playing it rather skilfully" said Miliband.

"The Prime Minister (Gordon Brown) was able to discuss Zimbabwe, among other things, with him at the Commonwealth conference in November," added Miliband.

"President Zuma will be making a state visit to the UK in early March, and I have had discussions with my South African opposite number.

"The position of the South Africans has certainly been to urge adherence to the Global Political Agreement, which requires compromise on all sides, and I do not think that they have been less than even-handed in the way in which they have done that."

Sir Malcolm Rifkind, the Conservative MP for Kensington and Chelsea called for the lifting of the ruinous sanctions saying the EU must respect the inclusive Government of Zimbabwe.

"Is it not worth remembering that even Nelson Mandela entered into a coalition with the white South African National party, and that Solidarity in Poland entered into a coalition with the communists?" asked Sir Rifkind.

"They all recognised that change has to be gradual if it is to have any chance of producing peaceful stability."


Smiler Mucaradi • n/a
Subject: n/a
Thu, 21 Jan 2010 05:30:53 • “, to be guided by what the MDC says to us about the conditions under which it is working and leading the country.”

Milliband reiterating Tony Blair’s statement in Parliament a few years ago that his government (then ) was working with the MDC for regime cahnge in Zimbabwe.

So Mugabe is really paranoid to complain that the MDC is a protege of the British government!

Is it not strange that ; the so-called human rights issue in the Marange diamonds is support for illegal diamond panners, instead of allowing the government to facilitate proper mining operations in Marange.

There is no such thing as ’so-called parastatals’. These are genuine agencies properly constituted by the laws of the land… Railways, CSC, GMB.


Madzimbabwewezaka • n/a
Subject: n/a
Thu, 21 Jan 2010 05:29:22 • MDC puppets should call for the removal of sanctions

British puppets, MDC, who shout democracy during the day and practice self enrichment schemes (corruption) during the night should come out in the open and call for the removal of the sanctions they actively campaigned for.

We Zimbabweans we are tired of being fed lies and if MDC doesn’t call its imperialist masters to remove the sanctions, it will regret it come the next elections.

Time has come for all patriotic sons to call the MDC to account for its actions in the destruction of the Zimbabwean economy. Through their whining and cry baby antics, MDC called for the imposition of sanctions which have had as much as an impact on the suffering of Zimbabweans as much as Zanu pf’s ruinous economic policies.

Granted MDC is guilty of the same sins it accuses Zanu-PF of. Miliband’s admission that there is a range of sanctions in place is a slap in the face to MDC’s Gorden Moyo, Biti, Tsvangirai and the rest of them who have been denying that there are no sanctions on Zimbabwe.

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