
Thursday, January 28, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) We must claim our land

We must claim our land
Anthia aka Radiogal - We must claim our land
Wed, 27 Jan 2010 23:47:00 +0000

WHO is looking out for the people of Zimbabwe? The problem may lie with the fact that we ourselves are unaware of our heritage. We are a nation that lost so much ever since the first white settlers moved in and claimed a land that was already occupied by people and named it Rhodesia.

It was since then that we were sidelined and are continually sidelined in doing what is best for our own people -- the millions of Zimbabweans who have no say in what happens. A further million does not pay in to help the country and we help block indigenous business owners, yet revel in the takeover by foreign investors.

I am appalled that the MDC-T party has power over some sanctions that have been set up against our people.

Though they themselves refer to them as ‘restrictions on some of the Zanu PF members’ they fail to look at the bigger picture. How are we portrayed as a nation to the rest of the world if we show weakness within our leadership?

If you search for images of Zimbabwe on the google search engine; the first image is that of a black man with open wounds on his back. The next is of a group of people rioting on the streets. What do these pictures say about us? Are we vicious and violent as a people?

So why is that image there? Why don’t I see a picture of the several beggars and crackheads when I type in Britain on google, yet they are everywhere.

The untamed yobs that beat up elderly people, stab people over their phones or smash neighbours windows just because they can are never shown yet this is part of the picture of the United Kingdom.

My people have been blind for so long. If they want to show pictures of abuse in Zimbabwe, why don’t they show the ones from ‘Rhodesia’?

Why don’t they speak about how a black person, an indigenous dweller of that country was not allowed to enter certain areas, could not sit in certain places let alone look or breathe in the direction of a ‘superior race’.

Am I the only one who finds it ridiculous that sanctions are put on our country by the very people who colonised us in the first place?

Does anyone understand the term independence? Do people realise why the war was fought?

Does anyone understand the significance of April 18th 1980? It was supposed to be the day that our lives as Zimbabweans officially began. The day in which a new journey would begin where what had been wrongfully taken from us was to be returned.

For those who do not understand consider this analogy: You buy a stolen car and have all the paperwork now put in your name. If the police where to come to you and claim the car back because it was stolen would that make it your car?

No. It wouldn’t. Yes maybe you were misled, but the fact remains that it isn’t yours.

So those who feel that the white commercial farmers are the rightful owners of the land should consider the fact that it was never theirs in the first place.

So much blood was shed so that Zimbabwe could have that freedom.

Yes the land may not go back to the exact owner which is something that is beyond all our control either for you see when the land was taken people were displaced from their homes just like the American Indians no one knows exactly who owes what, but let the spirits of those who fought hard to get it back rest as long as it is in our hands.

Pay attention to detail, we cannot have a leader who is ready and willing to put up his country, his people, his identity, his heritage, inheritance up for collateral to the very people who caused us grief that is still ongoing!

*Anthia aka Radiogal writes from the United Kingdom. She can be contacted via: radiogal ****

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