
Friday, January 15, 2010

TIZ calls for judicial independence

TIZ calls for judicial independence
By By Margaret Mtonga
Fri 15 Jan. 2010, 15:10 CAT

TRANSPARENCY International Zambia (TIZ) executive director Goodwell Lungu has urged the government to enhance Judicial independence, integrity and accountability to improve the credibility of the justice system in the country. In an interview, Lungu said Judicial proceedings should be freed of political influence.

“A clean and capable judiciary is essential if the country is to manage requests for assistance in the recovery of stolen assets from abroad. We also expect and recommend that the Anti-Corruption Policy and Anti-Corruption Draft Bill should quickly be discussed by stakeholders and enacted into law respectively,” Lungu said.

He said Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) draft Bill needs to be revised with stakeholders input since it has now taken six years from the time it was drafted in 2004.

“We expect and encourage the government to engage various stakeholders in discussing different options available which could strengthen our fight against corruption,” he said.

Lungu said it was important for the government to attach more comment towards punishing officials who abuse public resources.

“We should see more action being taken on officials involved in abuse of public resources especially those cited in the Auditor General’s reports,” he said.

Lungu said it was prudent for the government to take the necessary actions over Corruption cases.

“Government’s actions or lack of action on cases of corruption are closely watched by the international community and we expect and wish to remind President Banda to provide demonstrated leadership in the fight against corruption,” he said. “Everything possible should be done to fight corruption and it should not be left to mere political rhetoric,”

He said the launch of the National Anti-Corruption Policy (NACP)and marginal improvements on the 2009, Transparency International Corruption Perception Index for Zambia from 2.8 to 3.0. Out of possible 10, were being heralded as key developments in 2009.

“However, while the NACP is positive, it is merely a representation of government policy intentions. The measure of its success will be judged in the manner that this Policy will be implemented,” he said.

“It can be said therefore that there is no cause for celebration yet as this Policy has to be translated into concrete actions. We expect the implementation plan for the National Anti-Corruption Policy to be part of the 2010 Budget,” Lungu said.

He further called on the Cooperating partners to support the work of the Office of the Auditor General as they conduct these important audits which would help Zambia depend on with pressing corruption in selected ministries.

“We also expect the Government particularly President Banda to put into practice his good pronouncement to extend the forensic audits to all government spending ministries as soon as possible,” Lungu said.

He said it was important for the government to strengthen the fight against corruption if positive results were to be achieved.

Lungu said as TIZ there task was to contribute towards the fight against corruption as that would help the country attain positive results economically.

He said it was important for all Public servants to find honour and value in working for the Zambian people in an honest manner and with utmost respect for public funds and property.

“We all need to take pro-active and personal responsibility in the fight against corruption and much more needs to be achieved if we are to translate the much needed political will which is currently lacking in the fight against corruption by government into sustainable and tangible achievements on the CPI score,” said Lungu.

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