Sunday, January 24, 2010

Zambians to accept people driven constitution Rev Matale

Zambians to accept people driven constitution Rev Matale
By Margaret Mtonga
Sun 24 Jan. 2010, 04:00 CAT

We will only accept the Constitution if it takes into account the tenets of good governance which will promote and enhance our young democracy, Council of Church in Zambia secretary general Reverend Suzanne Matale has said.

In an interviwer, Rev Matale said politicians must learn to excel beyond themselves to see the bigger picture for the greater good rather than thire own narrow personal interests.

“We urge all those members of the NCC opposed to the 50 plus one and the recalling of the delinquent members of parliament to rethink thire decision on theses basic minimum stands as proposed and presented to the Mungo’mba commission by the Oasis forum and many other Zambian people,” Rev Matale said.

She said anything short of what the Zambian people want would be unacceptable.

“The Council of Churchs in Zambia is worried at the stance that some of the members of the National Constitution Constitution are taking in regards to the minimum standards,” she said. “The proposal by the NCC not to adopt the 50 plus one in the constitution and the unwillingness to adhere to the majority opinion of many people,”

Rev Matale said the people of Zambia have been very clear in thire demands for a good constitution and the way the debates were going in the NCC.
“As CCZ we call upon all the delegates to ensure that they uphold this critical principle of good governance which is a cause for concern,” said Rev Matale.

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