
Thursday, January 14, 2010

ZUBID asks govt to make ZNBC audit report public

ZUBID asks govt to make ZNBC audit report public
By Moses Kuwema
Thu 14 Jan. 2010, 04:00 CAT

THE Zambia Union of Broadcasters and Other Information Disseminators (ZUBID) has called on the government to make the audit of Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) public.

In a statement, ZUBID Lusaka branch chairman Elias Lungu also called on the government to address the many problems which remain unresolved at ZNBC.

“It is now more than seven months since the audit of ZNBC was done, but the findings have not been made public to date. As ZUBID we are concerned that some of the issues which have cost the corporation huge sums of money have continued to be perpetrated. This is mainly because the audit report has remained government secret,” he stated.

Lungu stated that implementation of the recommendations of the audit report were being done piecemeal and selectively.

“We have said it before that 155 per cent housing allowance for a few individuals including air time at more than K250,000 per month is not good, a luxury for a company which is said to be facing financial problems,” he stated.

“ZNBC has the capacity to stand on its own, mere termination of contracts is not enough. Tangible action should be seen to be done in order to save ZNBC,” he added.

Lungu stated that they were still stuck with a board of management which had outlived its legality adding that 10 years in office for a board was unprecedented in the history of the country.

Lungu appealed to ZNBC management to give dialogue a priority because adopting an indifference attitude would not make things any better.

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