
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chiluba is a cadre, shouldn’t get his benefits - Bishop Banda

Chiluba is a cadre, shouldn’t get his benefits - Bishop Banda
By Abigail Chaponda in Ndola
Sun 28 Feb. 2010, 04:00 CAT

CATHOLIC Dioceses of Ndola Bishop Alick Banda has called on all Zambians not to allow former president Frederick Chiluba to receive his presidential allowances because he has become a cadre engaged in politics.

And Bishop Banda said Zambia needs leaders who are going to deliver and improve the economy and not leaders who just insult themselves in the press.

“My advice to Dr Chiluba is that ‘let us observe the rule of law’. There was a law that was put that former presidents are not supposed to involve themselves in politics because their allowances will not be given to them. This was done by Dr Chiluba,” Bishop Banda said.

“Do not change goalposts to suit your situation, Dr Chiluba’s allowance should not be given to him because he has become a cadre and our courts should come in, people should make sure that he is stopped.”

And commenting on Chiluba and opposition party PF president Sata attacking each other in the press, Bishop Banda said both Chiluba and Sata were mature people who needed to dialogue rather than insulting each other.

“My advice to Chiluba and Sata is that they should dialogue. These two are leaders and if they have issues with each other, they don’t need to attack each other in the press. What they need is to dialogue, our future leaders look up to them and it is not good for them to insult each other,” Bishop Lungu said.

“We only have one Zambia. And as leaders we should know how to behave. This country needs to be developed and in the next elections, we want leaders who are going to perform and not leaders who are just going to give people empty promises.”

Bishop Banda said many towns on the Copperbelt were in bad shape saying that Mufulira had become a big shanty compound.

Bishop Banda said he was interested in leaders who were going to develop the country’s economy by building good schools, hospitals and improve the roads and not leaders who want people to vote for them so that they can be in power to enrich themselves.

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