Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chiluba would be in jail if Levy was alive - Kabimba

Chiluba would be in jail if Levy was alive - Kabimba
By Larry Moonze in Havana, Cuba
Tue 23 Feb. 2010, 04:00 CAT

CHILUBA would have been in jail if Mwanawasa was alive today, Patriotic Front secretary general Wynter Kabimba has said.

In an interview in Havana where he is attending a book fair, Kabimba said former president Frederick Chiluba has since the death of president Levy Mwanawasa engaged in character laundering. He asked Chiluba to stop deceiving Zambians with born again tantrums and hetoric.

Reacting to Chiluba's scathing personal attacks on PF leaders Michael Sata, UPND's Hakainde Hichilema and himself, Kabimba said Mwanawasa's death had robbed Zambians of an opportunity to see Chiluba atone his wrongdoings and that for that he had to be gracious to President Rupiah Banda whom he had detained on tramped-up charges.

“I want to say that the PF-UPND Pact shall win the 2011 elections against Mr. Chiluba's wishes,” Kabimba said. “We are working very hard to attain this goal for the people of Zambia.”

Kabimba said Chiluba was now engaged in character laundering which he was unable to undertake during Mwanawasa's era.

“This is because Levy had taken a position not to cover up Chiluba's sins, so to say,” Kabimba said. “And Chiluba realised Levy meant business in that area. If Levy were alive today, Chiluba would be in jail.

That is a fact. Levy's death is what has robbed Zambian people to see that Chiluba atones to his wrongdoings and for that he has to be gracious to Rupiah Banda whom he had detained when he was president on tramped-up charges. I doubt personally whether or not Chiluba really means what he says about Rupiah Banda.”

Kabimba said he was very disappointed with Chiluba's comments from his press conference. He explained that it was true that in 1989 he was employed by Lusaka City Council (LCC) as head of the legal department and not Town Clerk as claimed by Chiluba. He said he was a professional employee of the LCC having graduated from the University of Zambia in 1981.

“I did not obtain my degree in old age like Mr. Chiluba out of a complex against anyone or in order to compliment some acquired English accent,” Kabimba said. “Mr Chiluba refers to me as a nephew to Mr. Sata.

I am disappointed that a man who was president and head of the intelligence apparatus has failed to establish the truth about my parentage. Unlike Mr Chiluba who does not know his biological father, both my father and mother are still alive in Zambia.”

Kabimba said he was not engaged in any threats against Chiluba. He said all he was doing was to ask Chiluba to abide by the legal provisions he enacted and applied to Dr Kenneth Kaunda when he was Republican president.

“I am doing this in the interest of the Zambian people whom he has continued to deceive using his born-again tantrums and rhetoric which would cause any person who knows him well to throw up,” Kabimba said. “Mr Chiluba states that God ordained him to be second president of Zambia.

I want to say to him that in 1991, even without God's divine providence, any human or animal species at the time would have won the election against UNIP due to internal and external factors obtaining then.

It could have been a corrupt candidate, dog or chicken and victory was obvious. You cannot therefore attribute Mr Chiluba's victory to God or any form of heroism at all.”

Kabimba wondered why Chiluba as a man anointed by God failed to win the third term bid.

“Where was his God?” Kabimba asked. “The people's God saw through him and decided He would not allow His people to continue living under a corrupt regime with a man who was abusing His name.”

Kabimba also challenged Chiluba to own up. He listed what he said Chiluba should have addressed at his press conference.

“What Mr Chiluba did not tell the people during his press conference is whether or not the MMD-controlled local authorities are performing any better than those under the PF,” he said. “Whether or not the councils under his regime performed better than what we see today.

Mr Chiluba is responsible for the historical lack of performance of councils since 1995. He is responsible for the misery of the ex-miners and their families whom he is patronising on behalf of the MMD and Mr Rupiah Banda to show gratitude for keeping him out of jail.”

Kabimba said none of the former presidents whom Chiluba referred to or compared himself with was a criminal suspect within or outside their respective countries.

“None of them was ever accused of having stolen from his own people,” said Kabimba. “They are noble men in the eyes of their people and the world at large.

No such status would ever be attributed to Mr Chiluba irrespective of how much he screams to the high heavens about his alleged acquittal in the Zambian courts. He is a goodwill ambassador for Mr Banda for the Copperbelt and Luapula provinces only.”

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