
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Citizens expect journalists to bring transparency - Ambassador Meyke

Citizens expect journalists to bring transparency - Ambassador Meyke
By Henry Sinyangwe
Wed 24 Feb. 2010, 04:00 CAT

Citizens in democratic countries expect journalists to bring about transparency in financial, economic and political matters because this is the way to successfully combat corruption, German Ambassador to Zambia Frank Meyke has said.

In an interview, ambassador Meyke said reporting on such ensured sustainable democracy and helped to improve the living standards and the quality of life of those millions of people living in poverty and under inhuman conditions.

Ambassador Meyke said free and independent media were an indispensable prerequisite for democracy. He said the Freedom of Information Act would also be an important political measure of attracting foreign investment.

Ambassador Meyke said Germany welcomed the approach and efforts by the government, civil society, media and the Media Liaison Committee aimed at arriving at self-regulatory guidelines agreed upon and drafted by the media for the media.

“The Freedom of Information Act would also be an important political measure attracting foreign investment,” he said.

Ambassador Meyke said Zambia needed to attract more private sector development by providing a political and economic environment conducive for such investment.

“The right kind of foreign direct investment is needed. Sustainable investment which is creating long-term employment for Zambians also brings about infrastructure improvemen,” ambassador Meyke said.

He also said free and fair elections, a strong and independent electoral commission, an effective and independent Anti Corruption Commission as well as structural reforms bringing about accountability of party finances and ensuring intra-party democracy were particularly strong and positive signals for potential Germany and other European investors.

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