
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Donor funds must be properly utilised, advises EU envoy

Donor funds must be properly utilised, advises EU envoy
By Henry Sinyangwe
Wed 17 Feb. 2010, 04:00 CAT

DONOR funding must be properly utilised by beneficiaries so that there is sustainable development, European Union (EU) head of co-operation Eric Beaume has said.

Addressing Palabana dairy small-scale co-operative farmers in Chongwe who had successfully completed a capacity building course sponsored by EU through the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry yesterday, Beaume urged the beneficiaries of donor funding to utilise it effectively so as to eradicate poverty.

“I know it is just donor fund but it is important to make good use of it,” Beaume said.

And Livestock Development Trust (LDT) chairperson Dr Drinah Nyirenda said her organisation had a tender to train Palabana dairy stock farmers and they had successfully conducted two training sessions in dairy production and pasture development.

She said LDT had managed to train 42 farmers out of the targeted 75.

“The Trust won a tender to train dairy farmers who are members of the Palabana dairy co-operative,” Dr Nyirenda said. “We have so far trained 42 farmers and all the beneficiaries were chosen by the co-operative.”

LDT was established in 1999 with the mission of attaining profitable livestock-led farming systems that improve productivity and add value to production through transfer of skills, information and technology, and improving credit and market access.

Commerce deputy minister Dr Lwipa Puma urged farmers to look after their animals well so that they could reproduce and have more than what they had been given.

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