
Friday, February 12, 2010

ESAMI Alumni bemoans Zambians’ lack of interest in MBAs

COMMENT - There has been a long standing criticism of MBA programmes, because conceptually they separate management from the business that is being managed. It is often better to give management courses as part of professional education, and keep MBAs for academics.

ESAMI Alumni bemoans Zambians’ lack of interest in MBAs
By Ernest Chanda
Fri 12 Feb. 2010, 04:00 CAT

EASTERN and Southern Africa Management Institute (ESAMI) MBA Alumni Association – Zambia Chapter interim president Christopher Mulenga has expressed concern over the falling standards of higher education in the country.

In an interview ahead of the official launch of the Zambia chapter at Pamodzi Hotel this evening, Mulenga also bemoaned the lack of interest among many Zambians in pursuing Master of Business Administration programmes (MBAs). He said it was regrettable that even the few people with MBA qualifications were not working as a team.

“Our education standards have really fallen, hence the reason for our concern as an association. There are very few Zambians currently with MBAs and that’s why we want to create an enabling platform for networking, exchange of ideas that add value and stand to offer solutions to society where needed.

We’ve worked individually in our own capacity, but now we want to make a team that will help promote high levels of education, especially in business studies,” Mulenga said.

“I know that many people may not be aware of the benefits of studying for an MBA. It’s a multi-skilled profession where you get to understand a lot in the business world. We therefore want to make sure more Zambians understand the programme and aspire for it so that we move the country forward together. Bank of Zambia Governor Dr Caleb Fundanga will grace the occasion as guest of honour.

Also expected to attend the ceremony is the director general of the Eastern and Southern African Management Institute Professor Bonnard Mwape and other academic staff from Arusha, Tanzania.”

ESAMI MBA Alumni Association constitutes MBA graduates and students from ESAMI whose core objective is to create an enabling platform for networking ,exchange of ideas that add value and stand to offer solutions to society.

Membership of the Association is drawn from a variety of backgrounds with the only common ground of being schooled as business managers who shall by and large endeavour to share the same basic principles grounded on innovation, inventiveness and value additions.

The Association seeks to function as a voluntary organisation whose identity shall mainly be aligned with offering of business solutions and also attend to charitable and other credible philanthropic activities.

1 comment:

  1. hendrick6:03 PM

    It pains to notice that people with MBA are not recognised in some organizations. There are usually some jealousy bosses who fail to consider MBA graduates for fear of losing their pride in the organization thinking MBA holders will gain recognition and popularity. Shame to such bosses

    Hendricks Malawi
