Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Finland ponders extending support to PLARD

Finland ponders extending support to PLARD
By Kabanda Chulu in Kitwe
Wed 10 Feb. 2010, 04:00 CAT

THE Finnish government is considering extending the 10 million euros financial support to the Programme for Luapula Agricultural and Rural Development (PLARD) that is aimed at enhancing infrastructure and institutional capacity.

PLARD is jointly funded by the governments of Finland and Zambia and was launched in May 2007 and runs until December 2010 and its expected outputs are to develop and support a fisheries policy and legislation as well as fisheries co-management advocacy.

Other expected outputs were to enhance cross border trade collaboration between Zambia and the DR Congo and ensuring improved access to reliable and comprehensive data on production and marketing of fish and agriculture products in Luapula.

Explaining the successes and challenges of the project, PLARD counsellor Cathy Manner yesterday said important work had been done resulting in positive achievements.

“Most expected outcomes have been met and plans underway for phase two and we are talking to government with possibilities of extending the programme and this collaboration between government, cooperating partners and communities clearly shows that development is enhanced and should be applied in other regions,” Manner said.

“And we have done assessments on what products come from Luapula and its potential to penetrate the markets and the out grower schemes and the agro business have enhanced livelihoods resulting in improved incomes. Actually this intervention takes time to see impact but people have been empowered in many ways.”

And Finnish Ambassador to Zambia Sinikka Antila said agriculture production could not be developed without addressing related components such as trade and marketing, research and extension services.

“Agriculture is improved when focus is aimed at the whole production and value added chain whereby all components are considered and this should include the strengthening of the institutional capacity of the agriculture ministry with specific focus on strategic planning, enhancing of organizational analysis and monitoring and evaluation skills among Luapula agriculture staff,” said Ambassador Antila.

Some of the outputs that have been attained include the establishment of the fisheries co-management advocacy group, conducting of frame surveys for Bangweulu and Mweru-Luapula fisheries whereby data on fisheries and catch volumes have been collected.

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